THE seat of Chesham and Amersham has seven candidates representing it at this year’s election – and all but one responded to this newspaper’s interview request for our election guide.

A bit of background about Chesham and Amersham. It has a population of over 92,000 with an electorate of around 75,000.

Incumbent Sarah Green is forecast to hold the seat for the Liberal Democrats, following her victory in the seat with a majority of 8,000 in 2021.

That by-election was prompted by the death of Cheryl Gillan, the constituency’s longstanding Conservative MP.

A former Tory safe seat, Chesham and Amersham is in the sights of Buckinghamshire councillor Gareth Williams, who is hoping to win it back for the Conservatives at this election.

The fight for the seat may be a two-horse race on July 4, with Labour – represented by Chris Chilton – having not listed the constituency as one of its target areas.

Rounding out the election field in Chesham and Amersham are the Green Party’s Justine Fulford, Reform UK’s Laurence Jarvis, Muhammad Pervez Khan of the Workers Party of Britain and Julian Foster representing the Heritage Party, who could not be reached for this guide.

The seat’s boundaries mostly remain the same, although it does lose the Great Missenden area to Mid Bucks, as well as gaining Hazlemere from Wycombe and Gerrards Cross from Beaconsfield.

Conservative: Gareth Williams

(Image: Gareth Williams)

Name: Gareth Williams 

Age: 50

Occupation: Buckinghamshire Councillor, Community activist and formerly in finance

Constituency you are standing for: Chesham and Amersham

Claim to the area: Lived in the constituency with my wife and three kids (and now dog called Milo) for about ten years

1. What are the three biggest challenges facing the people of your constituency?
Greenbelt and Environment- if labour come in with the kind of majority predicted, they have made it clear they want to build all over our greenbelt. I’m the only person in the history of the county to have expanded the greenbelt whilst also providing space for 30,000 homes. 
Crime - With a record number of 5120 police officers now here in Thames Valley I am working to ensure burglary and antisocial behaviour continue to fall in the area. I recently brought in a policy to double the fines on flight tippers  
Education- With 93% of our schools good or outstanding, many Families choose this constituency to move to because of our outstanding schools. Labour will turn this upside down and we will end up more like labour run Wales where standards are tumbling the 20% VAT on private schools will result in huge numbers of children going into the state system which will not be able to cope.

2. What causes will you be championing? 
Our local economy- Continuing the job centre apprenticeships fares I have done for two years, 
Supporting the most vulnerable - Having been a coach with a leading local charity for five years and launched the cost of living scheme called helping Hands, I will be working with our fantastic community and voluntary organisations to ensure support is there where it’s needed.
Family - I want to see family, Community and nation effectively represented as they are the building blocks of the country we know and love.

3. How will you tackle sewage dumping in rivers by Thames Water and flooding? 
I am already leading the discussions with Thames water in many areas and have had the environment minister visit the river Chess and hold Thames water executive to account with £15 million going into improving the sewage treatment works. In Chalfont and Peter, I have also worked with the council and Thames Water to get the town reopened and will be pressing for proper lining of sewers in the next program that Thames Water is introducing.

4. How will you ease the effects of the cost-of-living crisis on residents and alleviate food and energy poverty? 
See answer earlier

5. How will you help reduce crime?
By working closely with the police and community organisations, I will listen take action and deliver. 

6. What car do you drive?
A nine year old electric car and it’s still going strong!

7. What's your favourite film or TV show?
Shawshank redemption 

8. When was the last time you cried?
More recently than you might think as my Dad is currently very ill in hospital.

9. Have you ever taken illegal drugs and if so, what?
No answer

10. What hobbies do you do in your free time?
Scuba diving and walking with my family. 


Labour: Chris Chilton

(Image: Chris Chilton)

Age: 59 

Occupation: Full-time volunteer 

Constituency you are standing for: Chesham and Amersham   

Claim to the area: I have lived in the Hazlemere part of the constituency for the last 17 years.  All 4 of our children were educated in local state schools 

1. What are the three biggest challenges facing the people of your constituency?
In priority order:
1) The cost of living crisis and particularly high mortgage rate and energy bills.
2) NHS waiting lists, getting a doctors appointment and dentistry services
3) Creating a fairer greener society

2. What causes will you be championing?
I will be championing lots of causes!
- Making more affordable housing available for young people.
- Supporting the vulnerable through the cost of living crisis.
- Reducing NHS waiting times and delivering better access to GP appointments and dentists
- Getting more specialist teachers in our schools and making more nursery places available
- Getting a full time mental health specialist in every secondary school
- Cutting anti-social behaviour through more neighbourhood policing
- Preventing sewerage dumping in rivers
- Transforming UK to 100% green electricity by 2030

3. How will you tackle sewage dumping in rivers by Thames Water and flooding?
2024 has been the worst ever year for sewerage dumping in the River Chess by Affinity Water with over 100 days of sewerage discharge already this year. Unfortunately, recent attempts by local politicians, MP's and pressure groups have failed to deliver any improvements at all.  Drastic action is now required.  A Labour Government will introduce new legislation which will make the CEO's of Water Companies personally accountable if they illegally dump sewerage.  I'm sure that the threat of criminal sanction will focus the minds and change the priorities of those responsible.  I will ensure that Affinity Water are top of the list to be pursued.

4. How will you ease the effects of the cost-of-living crisis on residents and alleviate food and energy poverty?
The Labour Party has always been the party of working people and we will continue to look after the less well-off and the vulnerable as a priority.
At a governmental level, creating economic stability will help bring down interest rates.  There will be no Liz Truss style crashing of the economy under a Labour government.  We will also use windfall taxes on the excessive profits of North Sea oil and gas producers to subsidise energy bills as necessary in the short-term and then to invest in cheap, green energy for the long-term.
Many of the people suffering from food and energy poverty do so because they only ever have short stints of low paid and insecure work.  This must change too.  To do so, we will replace the Minimum Wage with an enhanced Living Wage which will be automatically adjusted for inflation and which will be rigorously enforced.  We will also end zero-hours contract and the policy of "fire and rehire".
Labour will create a Britain that works for working people.

5. How will you help reduce crime and anti-social behaviour?
Last year, 20 million people experienced anti-social behaviour and 50% of people reported never or almost never having seen a police officer on patrol.  These two facts are linked.
The Labour Party will get 13,000 more police officers and police community support officers working on true "neighbourhood policing" where they will become the named police contact for residents of that neighbourhood.  This, combined with toughened criminal sanctions for antisocial behaviour and ending the bizarre Tory rule which prevents shoplifting from being investigated will act as a strong deterrent to law-breakers. 
We will also give teenagers a better start in life with the next generation of youth hubs containing youth workers, mental health professionals and lots of other support services.  This is key to prevent young people turning to crime.

6. What car do you drive?
A Renault Zoe

7. What's your favourite film or TV show?
The West Wing

8. When was the last time you cried?
I'm a passionate man so I also cry quite frequently!  When I was selected as the Labour Parliamentary Candidate for Chesham and Amersham, I spoke to our members about my history within the Labour Party and my passion for social justice.  I am a strong believer that you judge a society by how it treats the less well-off and not by how it offers tax incentives to the rich.  There were lots of tears.

9. Have you ever taken illegal drugs and if so, what?

10. What hobbies do you do in your free time?
I am in the head of junior cricket at Great Kingshill Cricket Club


Lib Dems: Sarah Green

(Image: NA)

Age: 42

Occupation: Before the election was called I was the local Member of Parliament, now that Parliament has been dissolved for the election I’m currently a candidate standing to be re-elected to Parliament.

Constituency you are standing for: Chesham & Amersham constituency

Claim to the area: I live in Chesham, and before that I lived in Amersham. I’ve represented our area in Parliament over the last three years.

1. What are the three biggest challenges facing the people of your constituency?
First, we need to see more done to help people and small businesses still being hit with the cost of living. Second, we need to do much more to tackle environmental concerns like sewage in our rivers and the flooding that’s affected so many people locally. We can’t let water companies get away with this and we have to do more to tackle climate change. Third, we need action to repair the damage done to our NHS in recent years. I’m contacted by people who have had appallingly long waits for different kinds of diagnostics and treatment. We need to back the NHS as a system while supporting the staff who work so hard within it and fix the struggling social care system that underpins it.

2. What causes will you be championing?
Having helped 15,000 people across the constituency over a three year period there are a lot of issues to tackle, however, specific areas include working hard to win legal protections for our precious chalk streams - I have introduced a Bill to Parliament on this very issue. I will continue to support victims of the Medical Mesh, Loan Charge and Equitable Life scandals, all of which affected local residents. I have also set up and have been co-Chairing a cross party group on Crohns & Colitis and I hope to help these often overlooked but serious medical conditions, benefit from more understanding and awareness. 

3. How will you tackle sewage dumping in rivers by Thames Water and flooding?
I’ve been working with volunteer river conservation groups since I was elected in 2021, in fact my very first visit and meeting as a Member of Parliament was on the day after I was elected at the River Chess in Latimer following yet another incident. I presented a Bill to Parliament that would give legal protections to our precious chalk streams like the Misbourne and Chess - but unfortunately  Parliament was dissolved for this election before it could be debated. The fact that water companies can get away with the ludicrous marathon sewage spills such as we’ve all seen at Amersham balancing tanks, Chesham sewage works and Gerrards Cross is a farce and indictment of a regulatory regime that is not fit for purpose. This has to change. My Bill, which I will re-introduce if re-elected, will start to tackle this. Meanwhile, I have met with Parish Councillors and Thames Water representatives as well as senior contacts at the Environment Agency about the flooding problems we have seen. I am also in correspondence with Bucks Council to chase up important actions that would help ease the problems residents have faced. The Highways and Environment Departments at Bucks Council have significant roles to play in responding to groundwater flooding events and their response to date has been disappointing. 

4. How will you ease the effects of the cost-of-living crisis on residents and alleviate food and energy poverty?
We need urgent action to help struggling residents and businesses and that’s exactly what I’ve been working for in Parliament. For example, I challenged the Prime Minister over utility companies forcing struggling customers onto pay-as-you-go energy meters - these meters perversely impose higher prices on the very households that can least afford it. Over the height of the cost of living crisis following Liz Truss’ disastrous mini-budget, I conducted a survey of residents and businesses in the area and then raised the points I found from that survey in Parliament to directly highlight the concerns of residents and business owners. Locally, I am working with Bucks Business First and some of our local Chambers of Commerce to support local businesses facing challenging times with the price rises seen in the last few years. 

5. How will you help reduce crime?
Our local community Police are fantastic and are doing a fantastic job but they need support. I want proper community policing restored to local communities, where officers are visible, trusted and focused on preventing and solving crimes. I also want to see every crime investigated - burglars need to be brought to justice. 

6. What car do you drive? 
A small black Audi

7. What's your favourite film or TV show?
I thought the first two seasons of the Netflix show “The Crown” were really outstanding TV, telling a story that we all know parts of, but turning it into a compelling drama. Claire Foy’s portrayal of Queen Elizabeth II and Matt Smith as the Duke of Edinburgh were quite brilliant. I also enjoy re-watching old Inspector Morse episodes.

8. When was the last time you cried?
I think I cry as much as any normal person does, but I don’t feel comfortable sharing sad things from the recent past to win votes, it feels wrong, sorry.

9. Have you ever taken illegal drugs and if so, what?

10. What hobbies do you do in your free time?
I don’t get much free time as an MP but I love to walk my dog, Angus, in the local countryside, and we are gradually working our way through a list of lovely walking routes in and around the Chilterns.


Green: Justine Fulford

(Image: Chesham Town Council)

Age: 58

Occupation: I work for a small company providing Astrology readings.

Constituency you are standing for: Chesham and Amersham

Claim to the area: 36 years here living, working and raising a family of three children

1. What are the three biggest challenges facing the people of your constituency?
Healthcare , Transport, Housing

2. What causes will you be championing?
All of the above - the Green Party is committed to a steady reduction in NHS waiting lists, access to an NHS dentist for everyone,  increasing public subsidies for rail and bus travel and investing in cycleways,  ending no-fault evictions and introducing a Fairer, Greener Homes Guarantee to ensure warm safe homes that are well insulated.

3. How will you tackle sewage dumping in rivers by Thames Water and flooding?
Return the privatised water companies to public ownership and increase DEFRA's budget by £1.5bn, allowing an increase in funding for the Environment Agency and Natural England to support the vital work they do to protect our environment.  This would include developing a soil health monitoring programme for England to match those in Scotland and Wales, to assess and understand changes in the health of soil over time, with the ultimate goal of ending the flow of pollution into rivers and sea from fertilisers, agricultural waste and sewage, through effective monitoring and enforcement.

4. How will you ease the effects of the cost-of-living crisis on residents and alleviate food and energy poverty?
Bring privatised utilities back in to public hands, accelerate clean energy investment and delivery, making work fairer by repealing anti-union legislation and delivering equal rights for workers currently excluded from protections such as 'gig economy' and 'zero hours' workers.

5. How will you help reduce crime?
Ensure local authorities are properly funded to deliver youth services, introduce violence reduction units to focus on multi-agency working and establish a national commission to agree an evidence based approach to the reform of counterproductive drug laws - prohibition and policing have failed to reduce use and have therefore had no impact on the size of the criminal market and the profits made by organised crime.

6. What car do you drive?
An 8 year old ULEZ compliant diesel BMW.  My next car will be electric if it can get me to my mum's in the north of Scotland with only one recharge.  Failing that, I'm hoping that I can retro-fit a conversion kit so that my car will run on waste vegetable oil.

7. What's your favourite film or TV show?
Have I Got News for You.  Films mean different things to me at different times - I will always re-watch a film I have enjoyed before to get something new out of it.  Recently re-watched Thelma and Louise and was disappointed by how contemporary the themes still seemed more than 30 years after it's release.

8. When was the last time you cried?
Tears of joy flowed freely when I held my newborn first grandchild Freddie for the first time. Tears of sadness can take me by surprise at any time when I think of how much of my mum has been lost to dementia. Even writing that down has made me cry.

9. Have you ever taken illegal drugs and if so, what?
Not my thing - I don't even like the legal ones, have never smoked but do enjoy a gin and tonic or a pint of very pale ale.

10. What hobbies do you do in your free time?
Anything which takes me outdoors - walking, cycling, gardening, swimming, canoeing, paddleboarding, volunteering on the river.  Indoors I have my bookclubs, choir and various local environmental and social justice groups. Lots of time is taken up by my unpaid elected role on Chesham Town Council.  And reading.  Lots and lots of reading.

Reform UK: Laurence Jarvis

(Image: Reform)

Age: 36

Occupation: Recruitment 

Constituency you are standing for: Chesham and Amersham

Claim to the area: Grew up in Berkhamsted and currently live in Chesham – Genuinely local candidate

1. What are the three biggest challenges facing the people of your constituency?
-          The ongoing cost of living crisis
-          Threats to our countryside and green belt land
-          Sewage dumping and flooding

2. What causes will you be championing?
-          Maintaining and cleaning up our chalk streams and waterways and holding to account those responsible for dumping sewage into them
-          Ensuring no new development on green belt land
-          Scrap HS2 entirely, it is a total waste of taxpayers money
-          Obtaining the report on the Pennwood Garage fire and quickly
-          Slash NHS waiting times in the local area by using spare capacity in the private sector

3. How will you tackle sewage dumping in rivers by Thames Water and flooding?
Immediately holding Thames Water accountable and fining them heavily. Using the money to compensate residents effected by the flooding and to clean up the mess they have made. If they can't find a way of dealing with sewage properly then we will look at replacing them with a company that can do it properly. This will be one of our top priorities. 

4. How will you ease the effects of the cost-of-living crisis on residents and alleviate food and energy poverty?
On a local level we would look at collaborating more effectively with local organisations and charities to make help as easy to access and get to the people that need it as quickly as possible. 
On a national level we would make work pay by raising the income tax starting point to £20k per year. We would scrap VAT on energy bills, lower fuel duty by 20p per litre and scrap environmental levies. 

5. How will you help reduce crime?
Our local police force do a fantastic job but it needs reform. We want police to return to the beat and use better technology to stop wasting time on endless paperwork. Visible policing would stop crime before it starts. We would also allow PCSO's to become police officers before the role is phased out.

6. What car do you drive?

7. What's your favourite film or TV show?
Film: Gladiator, TV show: Only fools and horses or Black Adder, it's a close one!

8. When was the last time you cried?
Can't remember

9. Have you ever taken illegal drugs and if so, what?

10. What hobbies do you do in your free time?
I enjoy history and current affairs. I like watching sports, football, rugby, F1, boxing. 
Guilty pleasure, I love the cash of clans app!


Workers Party of Britain: Muhammad Pervez Khan

(Image: Muhammad Pervez Khan)

Age: 48

Occupation: Manufacturing Worker

Constituency you are standing for: Chesham and Amersham

Claim to the area: Live and work in the Area. 
1. What are the three biggest challenges facing the people of your constituency?
 1)Protecting Green Spaces, 
2) Lack of adequate infrastructure, 
3)Increase in crime rate in absence of local police stations.
2. What causes will you be championing?
 •       Infrastructural Development : Pledge to advocate for urgent infrastructural development in the area whilst protecting the rural heritage and green spaces.
•       Public Ownership: I pledge to advocate for the public ownership of key industries and services, to ensure they are run for the benefit of all, not the profit of a few.
•       Decent Housing: I pledge to fight for the provision of decent housing for all, recognizing that everyone has a right to a safe and comfortable place to live.
•       Protect the NHS: I pledge to protect our National Health Service, ensuring it remains free at the point of use and is fully funded and staffed.
•       Workers’ Rights: I pledge to stand up for workers’ rights, advocating for fair wages, safe working conditions, and the right to organize and strike.
•       Education for All: I pledge to work towards providing quality education and training opportunities for everyone, regardless of their background or circumstances.
•       Free Speech and Safety for All: I oppose any form of censorship and want to put an end to thought culture. People should have the right to express their opinion without fear  of prosecution. 
•       Creation of Employment opportunities. I want to bring back manufacturing jobs and reindustrialize the Chesham and Amersham region. Make the region proud to be the industrial heart of Britain once again.

3. How will you tackle sewage dumping in rivers by Thames Water and flooding?
I strongly advocate bringing all the utility services companies back in to the public ownership ie renationalisation of them, which will help create local employment, Sense of ownership and community spirit which will improve the quality of service and reduce bills. Penalise those utility companies found to be responsible for dumping sewage in environment and cancel their operating licence, punitive sentences to responsible managers.
4. How will you ease the effects of the cost-of-living crisis on residents and alleviate food and energy poverty? 
I want to increase personal tax threshold to £21,200 for low paid workers and reform our tax laws. Where wealthy won't get away without paying their share. Renationalization of utility and transport companies will reduce the costs of operation significantly, create new employment and sense of ownership and pride among the local public. 
5. How will you help reduce crime?
I strongly support opening up of a police station in every town in Chesham and Amersham constituency, Increased number of police force on the streets by recruiting more police officers which will create sense of security for the local public and local businesses 
6. What car do you drive? 
I Mostly use public transport.
7. What's your favourite film or TV show?

8. When was the last time you cried?
I have cried every single day since the October 8th 2023.
9. Have you ever taken illegal drugs and if so, what?
No I haven’t taken any such things 
10. What hobbies do you do in your free time?
I love reading books, I love playing Golf and I love travelling. I love the open green spaces and the site of green hills with sheep grazing-just love it. 

DID NOT RESPOND: Heritage Party: Julian Foster