A woman has been left shaken after her dog was attacked by a bigger hound on a walk in a Chalfont park. 

Lucinda was walking her four small dogs in West Wood Park Chalfont at around 4 pm yesterday (Monday, July 1), when a large dog reportedly “picked up one of them by the neck and started shaking it”. 

Recounting the incident, she told the Free Press: "Three of my dogs were on leads and I had just briefly dropped the forth one to untangle the rest of them.

"The big dog was near me and the owner was talking to two other men.

"Within a nanosecond I turned around and my dog was being shaken in his mouth. My dog is only little and he had been lifted up off the floor. I thought he was dead! I was really upset."

Lucinda then took a picture of her dog in the other dog's jaws as proof that the situation had happened. She then dived in to get her pet out of the other dog's mouth. Luckily, he was still alive.

She claimed that the owner of the other dog did “little to help the situation” and appeared “pretty laid back” about the whole thing. 

"I asked him if it would be okay to take his details, and he immediately went on the defensive," she alleged. "He even told me that it isn't his dog, before he later admitted that it was.

"He said to me that my dog was at fault for approaching his dog, and that I should have asked if it was okay first."

Lucinda then asked the man to purchase a muzzle, but he refused stating that it was her fault as an owner and his dog has never done this before.

Later on, Lucinda was approached by another dog walker who said that he had seen the man's dog attack other pets in the park before, and commented that it is 'very reactive’.

Lucinda said she was forced to prise her pet free from the jaws of this man’s canine, saying: “[His] big dog had my dog's blood dripping out of its teeth. It looked like a vampire dog!"

Lucinda later that day took her pet to the vets where he was shaved and given antibiotics.

He was covered in bites from the attack, and both herself and her daughter stayed up all night with him for fear he may not recover from his injuries. 

The police have been contacted for a comment.