The Prime Minister took a comfort break from campaigning for the general election on July 4 to pick up a McDonald’s breakfast at Beaconsfield Services.

Rishi Sunak is currently travelling across the country in a final push for votes in the last two days of the general election campaign.

After an early-morning visit to an Ocado packing plant in Bedfordshire today (July 2), the Prime Minister tided over hungry reporters on his campaign bus with a McDonald’s breakfast from Beaconsfield Services on the M40.

(Image: PA)

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The service station has frequently been ranked among the best in the country for its wide range of food options – from Nando’s to Tapori Indian Street Food – as well as its family-friendly activities and green surroundings.

During a BBC Breakfast Interview this morning, the Prime Minister said predictions of a Labour victory in the polls would not stop him from “working as hard as I can to talk to as many people possible about the choice”.

(Image: PA)

Speaking during a visit to a supermarket in Oxfordshire, he added: “I was up at 4 this morning talking to workers at a distribution facility. I’m here talking to you. I’ll be out ‘till the last moment of this campaign because I think it’s a really important choice for the country.”

Mr Sunak also told the PA News Agency that under the Tories things are “undeniably” better than they were a few years ago and admitted that the worst moment of his premiership was failing to reduce NHS waiting lists.