High Wycombe’s Workers Party Parliamentary candidate has criticised the vandalism caused by several pro-Palestine activists in a neighbouring village.

The damage that was caused The damage that was caused (Image: Palestine Action)

Khalil Ahmed, who aims to be the town’s MP at next week’s General Election, expressed his shock after the building used by the military defence company, GRiD, came under attack in the early hours of Thursday, June 27.

Thames Valley Police were called to the scene along Holtspur Lane following reports of a disturbance, where they found four people inside the premises.

The incident happened on June 27The incident happened on June 27 (Image: NQ)

They have since confirmed that a 56-year-old man, and three women aged 24, 30 and 31 have been arrested on suspicion of burglary other than a dwelling and criminal damage.

They remain in police custody.

Images from the site show numerous broken windows, many Palestine flags, smashed equipment along the ground with red and green paint splatted on the building.

A police cordon was put in place and is expected to last into the following day [June 28].

The protest group, Palestine Action, has since claimed responsibility for the vandalism, where they admitted to ‘breaking into the company premises’.

The incident happened in the early hours of June 27, with four people being arrested The incident happened in the early hours of June 27, with four people being arrested (Image: NQ)

In a statement, they said: “After breaking into the company premises on Holtspur Lane, activists barricaded themselves inside, destroyed military hardware and unfurled banners calling out the little-known military electronics firm.

“Palestine Action will continue until every ounce of British complicity in the occupation of Palestine is undone.”

They have accused GRiD of having alleged connections to the Israeli military.

Thames Valley Police said: “On arrival, four individuals were located and were damaging the property.

“It is believed at this stage, that the activity of these individuals is linked to protests against the Israel/Hamas conflict in the Middle East.

“Thames Valley Police has a legal obligation to facilitate lawful and peaceful protest, balancing the rights of protestors with the needs of the local community.

“Everyone has the right to demonstrate peacefully and lawfully.

“However, where offences are identified, we will not hesitate to take appropriate action.”

There were no reported injuries at the scene.

One of the people who was arrested at the sceneOne of the people who was arrested at the scene (Image: Palestine Action)

The incident has caused a profound shock in the village, with many people expressing their concerns.

This includes Khalil Ahmed, who is an open supporter of Palestine.

Initially a member of the Labour Party, he left the group to join the Workers Party due to the latter’s stance on the ongoing conflict between the two nations.

In all, four people were apprehended In all, four people were apprehended (Image: Palestine Action)

He told the Free Press: “I do not support any actions of a criminal nature in support of any cause.

“All protests should be conducted in a lawful and peaceful manner without damage to any person or property.”

It is not known when the damage will be repaired.

GRiD is also expected to release a statement for clarification.