FOUR activists have been arrested after a building was stormed by protesters and trashed this morning (June 27).

Palestine Action protestors reportedly barricaded themselves inside the building of GRiD Defence Systems, in Holtspur Lane, Wooburn Green.

The firm manufactures a range of military hardware according to its website.

(Image: Palestine Action)

Activists barricaded themselves inside, destroyed hardware and unfurled banners from the windows of the military electronics firm - which activists claim has links to the supply of hardware to Israeli military.

Thames Valley Police confirmed the force was called due to the intruder alarm being sounded at the business and on arrival, four individuals were arrested.

The force confirmed it is investigating the incident as being linked to protests against the Israel/Hamas conflict in the Middle East.

(Image: Palestine Action)

The statement added: "Thames Valley Police has a legal obligation to facilitate lawful and peaceful protest, balancing the rights of protestors with the needs of the local community. Everyone has the right to demonstrate peacefully and lawfully.

"However, where offences are identified, we will not hesitate to take appropriate action."

(Image: Palestine Action)

Four people, a man aged 56 and a three women, aged 24, 30 and 31, have been arrested on suspicion of burglary other than a dwelling and criminal damage, and they remain in police custody.