Villagers in Flackwell Heath have rallied around a 'brave' 9-year-old fighting cancer after a 'kind' note he left for a stranger was defaced by an 'ungrateful' vandal.

Kaiden Edwards was first diagnosed with a brain tumour in June 2022 and after a lengthy spell of chemotherapy, was given the all-clear last July. 

However, despite ringing the end-of-treatment bell just eight months earlier, Kaiden was tragically diagnosed with a relapsed medulloblastoma tumour in his spinal cord in March. 

While the Flackwell Heath community has rallied around the 9-year-old and his family following the news in spring, they received an unwelcome reminder this week that not everyone is so generous with their time or sentiments.

In a touching gesture, Kaiden wrote a thoughtful note to a stranger on Sunday (June 23) and left it at a local bus stop as part of a mindfulness exercise no doubt encouraged by his “brave” mum Kathryn.

However, after “excitedly going to check” whether the note was still there on Monday morning, he was met with a rude surprise - someone had drawn a penis over his message, bringing the “brave” 9-year-old to tears.

(Image: Kathryn Edwards)

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The note had read: “Dear stranger, if you are reading this, keep smiling. You are loved. I hope you have a great day. You deserve all the happiness in the world. From Kaiden.”

Kathryn, who said she was “absolutely shattered and heartbroken” when her son relapsed in March, shared the news on social media this week, prompting an outburst of public support and sympathy in the comments.

Viv Carter urged Kaiden not to “let this awful thing upset you”, describing him as a “lovely human being”, while Michelle Joseph also said leaving the note was a “kind and caring” gesture, adding: “Don’t let immature and ungrateful people ruin that beautiful kindness you hold within your heart. Keep being you, little man.”

Danny Peacock also praised the 9-year-old’s “heart of gold” and Jameira Tomaldinho wrote: “People who do mean things are often just reflecting what’s inside their hearts. They were unable to fully appreciate Kaiden’s message, but I guarantee someone else saw it and it made them smile.”

A GoFundMe page launched after Kaiden's diagnosis in March has so far raised over £30,000 from 1,000 donations, exceeding its original £20,000 goal.

(Image: GoFundMe/Kathryn Edwards)

In the latest update posted to the fundraiser this month, Kathryn shared photos of the newest member of the Edwards family – a puppy who will be trained up as a therapy dog to help Kaiden navigate his second round of chemo.

She wrote: “Kaiden has experienced so many therapy dogs while in hospital and has really benefited from their support, so we hope that this will really help at home too.

“Without your support financially this would not have been possible, and we are so very, very grateful.”