Emergency services are dealing with an incident outside the Prime Minister's grace-and-favour residence Chequers in Buckinghamshire.

A car has crashed into bollards outside the gates to the sprawling 16th Century estate with the police and fire service called to the scene. 

The incident is said to have happened for around 12.30pm this afternoon [Tuesday, June 25], with dramatic images showing that a vehicle visibly damaged by the incident.

Thames Valley Police has been contacted for more information.

Further details about the incident are not known at this time. 

The incident happened on June 25The incident happened on June 25 (Image: Ian Longthorne)

Freelance photographer, Ian Longthorne, told the Free Press: "I was on a walk in the area where we went to a nearby pub.

"We then saw a car ambulance, a fire engine and an unmarked police car fly by us.

"At first, we didn't think anything of it so we went to a nearby farm shop for lunch we went through the grounds of Chequers.

"There's a public path that can take you there and there's where I saw a car had crashed into the entrance bollards.

"When we returned a little while later, more police cars were there."

Thames Valley Police have confirmed that a 44-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of criminal damage and drink-driving.

We are awaiting the South Central Ambulance Service for a comment.