Over the past few weeks, a major programme of grass-cutting and weeding has been taking place across Buckinghamshire.

Bucks Council has sent in its contractors, following reports that grass and roadside vegetation is growing faster than usual this summer.

This has been attributed to the unusual weather conditions - including heavy rainfall.

Two cycles of verge cuts, and three rounds of cuts at rural road junctions, have been scheduled - with some already completed.

The first urban cutting cycle has already kicked off.

An additional 150 reactive roadside cuts have also been carried out.

Crews will spray weeds along all public footways with Glyphosate.

A spokesperson for Bucks Council said of this: "The chemical is not harmful to people or animals and can be used safely close to water courses.

"The spray is applied in a fine mist, in very small doses and starts to work within an hour of application. It can only be applied during dry weather."

The council's Fix My Street portal allows users to report issues with overgrowth in their area.

Richard Barker, the council's corporate director for communities, said: "Our crews will be working hard across coming months to keep on top of grass and weed growth around the county.

"Our inspectors regularly review all locations, but we would ask residents who spot areas where they feel the growth is making it difficult for road users, to report these to us via Fix My Street so we can investigate further and take quick action where needed."