Two men from Aylesbury have been jailed for more than seven years after they were convicted of numerous drug crimes in the town.

Haseeb Zaman, 22, of Fairfax Crescent, was sentenced to four years and four months in jail.

He pleaded guilty at a hearing in September 2023 to being concerned in supplying a controlled drug of class B, possession of criminal property, and fraudulent evasion of a prohibition.

His drug partner, Muhammad Qasim Khan, 28, also of Fairfax Crescent, was jailed for three years after he was found guilty of being concerned in supplying a controlled drug of class B following a four-day trial.

Both men were jailed on Thursday, June 13.

This is in relation to an incident that happened on Tuesday, July 18, 2023, when officers from the Buckinghamshire Proactive Team arrested Zaman and Khan after an investigation identified them as being involved in cannabis supply across Aylesbury.

Khan was found in possession of £400 in cash and a mobile phone.

The phone showed that Khan had been supplying cannabis.

Zaman also had £400 in cash on him and eight bags of cannabis.

He also had two mobile phones on him, one of which was a drugs line phone, which provided evidence that Zaman had been orchestrating the drugs line supplying cannabis across the town.

A search of Zaman’s home found more cannabis, high value clothing and around £10,000 in cash.

Zaman’s drugs phone, which was interrogated further, found that he had been importing cannabis from California, one package intercepted by officers contained 64 bags of cannabis.

Zaman and Khan were charged on July 19, 2023 and remanded in custody.

Investigating officer PC James Gordon said: “It is clear that Haseeb Zaman was the key player importing and moving drugs for sale in Aylesbury and was benefiting from this enterprise.

“Muhammed Qasim Khan was also involved in the sale of cannabis for profit.

“The dealing of drugs in Aylesbury and across the Thames Valley will not be tolerated. We know that it brings only misery to our communities and often results in violence, and the exploitation of young and vulnerable people.

“We will continue to investigate and bring offenders such as Zaman and Khan to justice.”