Welcome to your general election guide to the candidates standing to become the next MP for Beaconsfield on July 4.

Tory incumbent Joy Morrissey is defending a majority of more than 15,000 votes in the constituency, which has been a Conservative stronghold since its creation.

Seven MP hopefuls are seeking to replace Morrissey, including one candidate who is only 21 years old.

Conservative: Joy Morrissey

(Image: Newsquest)

Age: 43

Occupation: MP from December 2019 to May 2024

Constituency you are standing for: Beaconsfield

Claim to the area: I live in one of the beautiful South Bucks villages.

1. What are the three biggest challenges facing the people of your constituency?

Ensuring our Green Belt stays protected, improving our roads and train capacity, enabling people to get more GP appointments.

2. What causes will you be championing?

I have 5 key priorities:

Protecting the Green Belt

Getting more GP appointments

Improving our transport links

Investing in our children’s education

Ensuring a safer community

3. How will you protect the area’s green spaces?

I already have a strong track record of protecting our green spaces. I worked with residents to stop the Marlow Film Studios destroying vital Green Belt. I successfully persuaded Ministers to reject the data centres being built in Green Belt in the Ivers. I also successfully worked with residents to stop the loss of Green Belt in Holtspur, Beaconsfield. I will continue to defend the Green Belt by being a vocal champion for it in our area.

4. How will you ease the effects of the cost-of-living crisis on residents and alleviate food and energy poverty?

I know how difficult things have been for people as a result of the impact of the global inflation challenge brought on by Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. That’s why getting inflation down has been such a priority. I am an unashamed low tax Conservative and I want to see taxes come down further for people. I was pleased to see significant tax cuts in the Conservative manifesto, which is in stark contrast to the £8.6bn of tax rises Labour has announced - which will take our tax burden to new record levels.

5. How will you help reduce crime?

I have been a strong advocate for more neighbourhood police officers. I am delighted that not only does Thames Valley now have its highest ever number of police officers, but the number of neighbourhood police has doubled – with more on the way in the next year. I have also done a lot of work with local residents to enable them to meet and share concerns on crime and anti-social behaviour with the local police leadership.  I will keep doing this if re-elected.

6. What car do you drive?

A very old Ford Fiesta!

7. What's your favourite film or TV show?

The Godfather.

8. When was the last time you cried?

At my brother’s funeral.

9. Have you ever taken illegal drugs and if so, what?

No, I have never taken illegal drugs.

10. What hobbies do you do in your free time?

I love gardening, birdwatching and walking my dog.


Labour: Matthew Patterson

(Image: Labour)

Age: 47

Occupation: Communications specialist

Constituency you are standing for: Beaconsfield

Claim to the area: I was born, grew up and now live in South Bucks, my family have lived around here as far back as we can work out. 

1. What are the three biggest challenges facing the people of your constituency? 

The cost of living crisis is a huge issue, our mortgage and bills have soared as have many people in the area, which is why Labour is focused on delivering economic stability and growth.

Access to GPs and dentists is another challenge. My kids currently go to a dentist where my wife grew up, not in our area, which is why Labour has committed to provide 40,000 more NHS appointments each week to cut waiting times and increase access and will introduce a rescue plan to provide 700,000 more urgent dental appointments and recruit new dentists.

Finally I think many of us are worried for our kids or our grandchildren's future. Whether education, the environment or housing, people are desperate to see our country change so that we can hand it on to the next generation and get our future back.

2. What causes will you be championing?

The NHS, my family relies totally upon the NHS and I would work to improve and increase NHS provision locally. Better Special Educational Needs and Disability is something I care deeply about because of my family, but provision feels like a lottery at times. We need better and quicker diagnosis and support. Social care also needs urgent reform and support, especially in an area like ours with many older residents who need support and care.

3. How will you protect the area’s green spaces?

The hills, woods, rivers and streams of this area have always been part of my life. They are my and your family's heritage and need protecting. It was Labour who created the Green Belt and we have promised to introduce a Golden Rule for development to protect communities and nature.

4. How will you ease the effects of the cost-of-living crisis on residents and alleviate food and energy poverty?

Labour is totally focused on delivering economic stability and growth so we can keep taxes, inflation and mortgages as low as possible. We will also set up Great British Energy, a publicly owned power company to cut bills for good and boost energy security.

5. How will you help reduce crime?

We are committed to providing 13,000 additional neighbourhood police and community PCSOs; and specialist domestic abuse advisers in 999 control rooms at peak times

6. What car do you drive?

As my son uses a wheelchair, my family drives an adapted wheelchair vehicle which is a Ford Transit van.

7. What's your favourite film or TV show?

The Lord of the Rings films (and books).

8. When was the last time you cried?

Last week. I cry a fair amount and last week I talked to someone in a really awful family situation and it was tough to not respond. 

9. Have you ever taken illegal drugs and if so, what?

A couple of pints in my local pub with friends or half a bottle of wine with my wife is much more me.

10. What hobbies do you do in your free time?

I've four young children so I spend most of my spare time with my family, but I've always been a huge music fan and listen to music and occasionally go to concerts and I also try to read and paint if I get time.


Lib Dems: Anna Crabtree

(Image: Lib Dems)

Age: 40-something

Occupation: Chartered Accountant

Constituency you are standing for: Beaconsfield

Claim to the area: I have lived in the constituency for the last 8 years with my husband and 2 children, who both attend local schools.

1. What are the three biggest challenges facing the people of your constituency?

The crisis in the NHS, meaning residents can’t get appointments to see a GP or dentist. The mismanagement of the economy causing food and mortgage costs to spiral out of control. The damage to our environment caused by water companies pumping sewage into the rivers and developers constantly trying to build on greenbelt land. 

2. What causes will you be championing?

I am determined to work to protecting our natural environment, specifically stopping water companies dumping sewage in our rivers so that residents can enjoy using the river safely and wildlife can thrive.

3. How will you protect the area’s green spaces

I spoke up recently at the Buckinghamshire Strategic Sites Committee for local residents who were concerned about the Marlow Film Studios development and would be keen to do the same for other residents in the future. I am fully in favour of the establishment of the Little Marlow Lakes Country Park, the Lib Dem’s plan to double the size of the Protected Area Network and also the creation of a new national park in our beautiful Chilterns.

4. How will you ease the effects of the cost-of-living crisis on residents and alleviate food and energy poverty?

I would like to see the Lib Dem’s policy for an emergency home insulation plan implemented to reduce the cost of heating our homes and a proper food and farming strategy to both reduce grocery prices and support farmers. However, the biggest change we need is sensible management of our economy, for which I believe my background in accounting and governance is ideally suited.

5. How will you help reduce crime?

We need to break the cycle of reoffending by improving rehabilitation and strengthening the supervision of offenders in the community but I also feel its important that we restore proper community policing and guarantee residents that burglaries will be attended and investigated.

6. What car do you drive?

A Tesla Model 3.

7. What's your favourite film or TV show?

I will confess to just having finished binge watching the latest series of Bridgeton.

8. When was the last time you cried?

I found the recent D-Day celebrations I attended in the constituency incredibly moving.

9. Have you ever taken illegal drugs and if so, what?

As a non-smoker, it is not something that has ever appealed to me.

10. What hobbies do you do in your free time?

When I get time, I enjoy gardening, baking with my children and walking our black lab.

Green: Dominick Pegram

(Image: Dominick Pegram)

Age: 54

Occupation: Owner of Salt and Pegram ltd

Constituency you are standing for: Beaconsfield.

Claim to the area: I have lived in Jordans for over 15 years. My mother and stepparents also live in the village. My wife was brought up in Beaconsfield and went to Beaconsfield High School. We were married in St Mary’s church in the centre of the old town. I’ve been welcomed here since meeting my wife at university 35 years ago.

1. What are the three biggest challenges facing the people of your constituency?

The current and future impact of climate change and destruction of nature - the pollution of water and air, particularly into the Thames and Misbourne rivers. The access to truly affordable housing in the area – no social housing so children having to move out of their communities. Protected of Green Belt particularly from house developers.

2. What causes will you be championing?

Climate and nature crisis of course! With social justice.

3. How will you protect the area’s green spaces?

I would give the planet a seat on every committee. We must listen and learn from local environmental and ecological experts. We will protect the green belt by enforcing neighbourhood plans and give councils the resource and expertise to defend them. We would interrogate and enforce biodiversity net gain on every planning application - one tree can be the home for over 500 species. Replanting will take decades to re-establish.

4. How will you ease the effects of the cost-of-living crisis on residents and alleviate food and energy poverty?

Conservative delaying decarbonisation, new licences to extract oil and gas. Labour reneging on its green prosperity plan. The true cost of climate change will be born by people on lower incomes. Real pay is 2.9% (£18 per week) lower than it was at the start of 2008 (TUC, September 2023) and 4.2 million children are growing up in poverty in the UK (Child Poverty Action Group). There are 850 cinemas in Britain today and three times as many food banks. There are 1,200 hospitals and twice as many food banks. There are more food banks than there are public libraries.

We will push for our green transition that we create more jobs and upskill our workers. Increase universal credit by £40 a week and bring  up the minimum wage to £15 an hour for everyone over 16. We would end the two-child benefit cap and lift 250,000 children out of poverty. We will push for the introduction of Universal Basic Income and give everyone dignity and a fairer Britain.

5. How will you help reduce crime?

We will protect the right to protest. Have a Royal Commission to examine the role of the police and crime commissioner that has politicised the Police which is losing its independence. We will increase numbers of visable police that are too stretched and unfit for purpose. We will link pay to inflation and reverse the exodus of trained officers from the service. We will reduce youth crime by cutting poverty - 4.2 million children are growing up in poverty in the UK (Child Poverty Action Group) . 3.8 million people experienced destitution in 2022, including one million children. (Joseph Rowntree Foundation). We will Increase the number of trained police officers  and  repair international cooperation to tackle online fraud. We will fund more HMRC investigators to catch tax evaders.

6. What car do you drive?

A Land Rover! The most sustainable car is the one you currently drive. But when I come to replace it I will opt for an EV. With incentives for private users and not just fleet owners they will become more affordable.

7. What's your favourite film or TV show?

The Bear! I’ve bored many a party with my enthusiasm for the best TV to be made since I can remember.

8. When was the last time you cried? My friend, Fran, died of cancer two weeks ago. She was such a beautiful soul and died far too young.

9. Have you ever taken illegal drugs and if so, what?

I have taken both legal and illegal drugs. A few but not all. I did not stop taking them because they weren’t fun. I stopped taking them because I finally accepted that every purchase might be funding sex trafficking, child prostitution and modern slavery.

The war on drugs has been lost. The dealers have won. The Green Party would decriminalise drug use, take the trade out of the hands of organised criminals. We would give greater mental health support to those who use drugs, both legal and illegal, as self-medication. My stepfather was an alcoholic and my father smoked for 55 years. Both died from their addictions.

10. What hobbies do you do in your free time?

Apart from encouraging people to take action against the clime and nature crisis? I fit neatly into the middle aged man demographic of riding bikes. All bikes, any bike. I love the freedom, the connection with nature and the social interaction.


Reform UK: John Halsall

(Image: John Halsall)

Age: 74

Occupation: Former leader of Wokingham Council

Constituency you are standing for: Beaconsfield

Claim to the area: Lived nearby in Remenham for more than 40 years

1. What are the three biggest challenges facing the people of your constituency?

Locally sewage, highways and protection of the green belt.

2. What causes will you be championing?

Sewage, highways and protection of the green belt.

3. How will you protect the area’s green spaces?

Campaigning hard on the green belt.

4. How will you ease the effects of the cost-of-living crisis on residents and alleviate food and energy poverty?

See Reform programme but raise personal allowance to £20k and slash energy costs by unlocking Britain’s vast energy reserves and cancel net zero.

5. How will you help reduce crime?

Increase police by 40,000, commence zero tolerance policing, new police leadership.

6. What car do you drive?


7. What's your favourite film or TV show?

Lawrence of Arabia

8. When was the last time you cried?

When my dog died two weeks ago

9. Have you ever taken illegal drugs and if so, what?


10. What hobbies do you do in your free time?

Cooking, DIY, Rowing, Coaching, Skiing, Sailing, Open Water Swimming, Running, Walking, Mountain walking, Gardening, Piano, Reading, Opera.


Independent: Cole Caesar

(Image: Cole Caesar)

Age: 21

Occupation: Property Manager

Constituency you are standing for: Beaconsfield

Claim to the area: I have lived in Burnham since 2007. I worked in Iver for two years and now work in Windsor.

1. What are the three biggest challenges facing the people of your constituency? 

There are several issues affecting the constituency. If I had to pick the top three, they would be the poor road conditions, inadequate maintenance of local rivers resulting in high pollution levels, and the state of our local GP centres, where many people struggle to get appointments.

2. What causes will you be championing? 

Firstly, I want to push for all water companies to allow local authorities to track and monitor water spills into our rivers, and work towards eliminating the algorithm that ensures there are enough secondary schools. Removing this can allow us to consider options to reopen already developed schools. If elected, I will meet with private pharmacies to discuss extending their current hours to allow our GP centres to remain open for longer.

3. How will you protect the area’s green spaces? 

If elected, I will work towards removing loopholes in our legislation that currently protect the Greenbelt. I do not want to continue in our current MPs position of opposing every new development on the Greenbelt, as this is time-consuming. Instead, we can achieve more by removing these loopholes. For example, we can eliminate the NPPF, which is a flexible way for developers to build on the Greenbelt by classifying the buildings as affordable housing. We can also remove any opportunity for any developer to use class Q, which is a solution to build on the Greenbelt.

4. How will you ease the effects of the cost-of-living crisis on residents and alleviate food and energy poverty?

I am honest that I cannot lower bills. Nor can any other candidate. Nonetheless, I can advocate for nationalising our energy and water companies and using the current £12 billion foreign aid budget to invest in our energy dependency.

5. How will you help reduce crime?

We are facing a problem with policing in our community because we don't see police officers around. They are usually occupied with paperwork or taking care of someone who has been arrested. We need to focus on improving our justice system and enacting new laws to update our current outdated laws and reduce the burden on current police officers.

6. What car do you drive?

I drive a BMW I3 Full Electric.

7. What's your favourite film or TV show?

If people must know, my favourite TV show was The Office.

8. When was the last time you cried?

I don't remember. I'm not sure it's really relevant to politics. We should be asking questions that will actually benefit the community.

9. Have you ever taken illegal drugs and if so, what?

I have never taken any illegal substances/drugs.

10. What hobbies do you do in your free time?

I am always working to pay my bills, so unfortunately, I don't have any hobbies.

Independent: Pippa Allen

(Image: Pippa Allen)

Age: 54

Occupation: Social Justice Lawyer

Constituency you are standing for: Beaconsfield

Claim to the area: Grew up in Bourne End, went to school in Beaconsfield and High Wycombe and was married in Marlow 

1. What are the three biggest challenges facing the people of your constituency?

Green Belt Development, Cost of Living Crisis, Access to medical care.

2. What causes will you be championing?

All of the above plus single sex services.

3. How will you protect the area’s green spaces?

Seeking a review of Local Development plans which were formally adopted pre-pandemic and are now out of date. We need to conduct a proper needs analysis on new housing requirements.

4. How will you ease the effects of the cost-of-living crisis on residents and alleviate food and energy poverty?

Seek a review of the outdated council tax banding set in the 19902 and VAT on non luxury goods as well as ensuring we protect our farmland from development to safeguard food security. 

5. How will you help reduce crime?

By ensuring Thames Valley police have enough response and patrol cars to carry out their duties. Response times are impacted by a shortage of cars which are either off the road or loaned out to other units. 

6. What car do you drive?

A Volvo. Safe and reliable.

7. What's your favourite film or TV show?


8. When was the last time you cried?

Last week.

9. Have you ever taken illegal drugs and if so, what?

None of your business!

10. What hobbies do you do in your free time?

Growing up I hugely benefitted from the Bucks Music Centre in High Wycombe and music is still a big part of my life - I enjoy singing and playing the cello and any live music. I have an active life outdoors walking my dog, playing tennis and wild swimming.


Catherine Harker of the Social Democratic Party did not respond to the questions.