The clouds parted this afternoon on a busy and colourful Higginson Park as residents, dignitaries and local rowing teams celebrated Marlow’s annual Town Regatta and Festival.

The Regatta observed a reduced rowing schedule this year after flooding to the boat staging area and participants’ field limited operations.

Nonetheless, ticketholders still enjoyed watching adaptive races from Marlow Rowing Club at 15-minute rather than the usual three-minute intervals – even if it was through the drizzle at times.

Alongside Marlow’s resident rowing heroes Naomi Riches and Steve Redgrave, local dignitaries were also out in full force at the Regatta, including Mayor David Brown, who described it as a “brilliant” day despite the wind and rain.

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He said: “The pockets of sunshine have really helped out, but I’m hoping the breeze will stay away. I had to help one of the stallholders hold onto his gazebo when it was lifted off the ground earlier!”

Leader of Marlow Town Council Chris Funnell added that the popular event’s continued success was owed in no small part to the local businesses who sponsor it, including Blaser Mills Law, The Shanly Foundation, The Marlow Cheese Company and Softcat.

“Everyone’s had to work a bit harder because of the weather this year, but we’ve got good local crews and lots of people having a good time. A real highlight is having Steve Redgrave come back every year. It shows how important the Regatta is, even to people who have moved away from the town.”