A man barricaded himself into his attic and threatened to kill police during a five-and-a-half-hour-long siege - in which he also threw bleach and debris at officers.

Officers in full riot gear attended the High Wycombe home of Derek Gannon on May 6, 2021, after receiving a tip-off that he was stockpiling weapons.

Gannon, 54, holed himself up in the attic of the property in West Wycombe Road, leading to a standoff with officers.

Reading Crown Court heard today (June 14) of the violent threats made by Gannon to police during the siege.

He told officers he would kill them, referencing the death of PC Andrew Harper - who was dragged behind a car in West Berkshire in 2019.

Gannon, who appeared at court for sentencing, shook his head when these remarks were mentioned - prompting a furious response from Judge Neil Millard.

He told the defendant: "How dare you shake your head at me, when those officers risked their health, and risked their lives, to go and get you out."

The judge added: "Some of the things you said to them were utterly repugnant.

"Your reference to PC Harper's death - a Thames Valley officer who served valiantly, and died in the line of duty - is utterly disgusting, and you directed that to his former colleagues."

During the siege, Gannon threw items from the loft at officers, including cups, bricks and a hammer.

He also poured bleach down on them.

Police bodycam footage was shown in court, capturing the moment officers scrambled into the loft and restrained Gannon.

Following the incident, the defendant spent seven months in jail on remand.

Reflecting on this, Judge Millard told the defendant: "My hands are somewhat tied, because you have, in effect, served the sentence I would have handed down in your case while waiting for trial in custody."

The judge stated that, were it not for this, he would have sent Gannon 'immediately' to prison.

Instead, Gannon was handed an 18-month community order for affray, including 20 rehabilitation activity days and 100 hours of unpaid work.

He was also ordered to pay £250 in compensation to Thames Valley Police.

Rounding off the hearing, Judge Millard said: "I commend the officers for their bravery."