A TEAM of local outdoor swimmers are busy preparing to swim the Channel in July.

With only seven months preparation the team have been training hard to make their strokes efficient, increase their speed, prepare for the cold and all the other obstacles that may come their way during the challenge.

Professional swim coach, Stephen Gould, became aware of the opportunity and approached fellow swimmers at Taplow Lake.

The hand-picked team consists of six swimmers; Katy, Claire, Carine, Janet, Bondy and Mike.

The team age may be above the average for a channel relay, but so is their determination.

Their drive is not only to complete the swim but also to gain sponsorship for The Samaritans.

The charity are often the place people turn when they feel they have no one else to talk to. As well as answering as many calls as possible, Samaritans use legacy gifts and donations to develop new ways of making sure the service is available to those who need it.

Samaritans carry out outreach work in schools, prisons, across the railway network, festivals and are continuously evolving communications to reach as many people as possible.

They provide workplace training to help people take better care of their mental health at work, as well as campaign for more investment in national and local suicide prevention. One team member, Katy, volunteers for the Samaritans , ‘It’s hard to know sometimes how much of a difference a call can make to someone. All calls are confidential and it’s unlikely we’ll ever speak to the same caller again. But being able to give someone the time and space to be themselves, explore their thoughts and feelings with no judgement and know that they matter can be the starting point to finding a way to get their life heading in a better direction.’ Early in July, the team will have bags packed by their doors ready for the call. Then they will head to Dover to undertake the biggest physical challenge they have ever experienced.

Only one in five relay teams succeed so they are doing all they can to prepare.

When it is their turn to swim solo, knowing that they are raising funds to help people who are isolated through no choice of their own will be a real motivation.

You can sponsor Taplow Sea Bears at www.justgiving.com/page/taplow-sea-bears-1713707903093.

Follow their progress on Instagram @TaplowSeaBears and also follow @TheSamaritans #TeamSamaritans to find out about the amazing work they are doing.

Their JustGiving page reads: “We’re the Taplow Sea Bears - Bondy, Carine, Claire, Janet, Katy, Mike and Coach Stephen. In September last year we had never met.

“In July we’re going to attempt to swim the English Channel together.

“In the process raising money and awareness for the Samaritans - a charity providing emotional support for people who don’t know where else to turn. Callers can be anyone. People whose lives those on the outside may see as idyllic or perfect - we often don’t know what’s going on inside.

“The overriding aim being to support people in crisis and reduce the number of lives lost to suicide.”

At the time of writing, they have raised £8,344 and they aim to break the £10,000 mark by next month.