A landscape gardener died from a cocaine overdose after being unable to 'conquer the demons of addiction', a coroner's court has heard. 

Craig Bow, originally from Holmer Green, passed away at his home in Aylesbury on October 16, 2023. 

At an inquest at Beaconsfield Coroner's Court held today (Wednesday, June 12), the court heard how Mr Bow had a history of drug-related issues dating back to as young as 12.

He was tragically found 'slumped' through the window by his partner on the day of his death. 

He was described as ‘not moving’ and despite the paramedics arriving at the property within five minutes of the emergency call being made, he was pronounced dead at the scene.

Assistant coroner Alison McCormick heard that drug paraphernalia was found inside the property when both South Central Ambulance Service and Thames Valley Police arrived.

Items such as a crackpipe, a box of testosterone pills, burnt foil, and an envelope containing two small tablets were just some of the equipment found, along with a used needle.

During the hearing, the court heard how Mr Bow ‘had made attempts’ to abstain from drug abuse and was a frequent collaborator with One Recovery Bucks where he received regular support.

It had also been noted that the 38-year-old had suffered from two previous overdoses.

The first occurred in November 2017, which has been described as ‘intentional’, whilst the second nearly five years later in October 2022, was not.

He also showed signs of suicidal thoughts but was given support through his family along with the drug and alcohol abuse services.

Mr Bow was also ‘known’ to the police for ‘drug-related offences’ where he recently received a drug rehabilitation order.

Coroner McCormick said: “There was no evidence of any third-party involvement in Craig’s death, and there were no injuries on Craig’s body that were of a suspicious nature.

“The toxicology and post-modern evidence shows that cocaine had been used by Craig shortly before his death, and the concentration of cocaine found in a sample of blood taken was in the range of associated with fatalities.

“Therefore, the cause of death is cocaine toxicity and there is no evidence of any natural cause of death.

"Unfortunately, he couldn’t conquer the demons of his drug addition.

"One Recovery Bucks helped Craig as much as they could, but he couldn't break the cycle."

The coroner also revealed that whilst the 38-year-old had a history of depression, she confirmed that ‘there was no evidence to establish that on the balance of probability, that Mr Bow had intended to take his own life'.

Coroner McCormick then passed on her condolences to Mr Bow’s sisters, who were present at the inquest, stating that they did ‘everything they could to support him’.

 If you have been impacted by the contents of this article, please go to https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/recreational-drugs-alcohol-and-addiction/drug-and-alcohol-addiction-useful-contacts