A comical video of two girls dancing outside Amersham Tube Station has gone viral.

The clip, which was shared on Facebook on Wednesday, June 5, has been viewed thousands of times and has been well received by members of the public and social media users.

It shows two sisters dressed as a pink shark and a pink axolotl by the frequently used station.

It has been shared several times, with the two girls being praised for their behaviour.

In the comment section of the Your Amersham Facebook post, Geogina Picton, who is the mother of the two girls, said: “They do it to make people laugh, to be honest, and to put a smile on children's faces.

“Just two young girls doing their thing.

“They are usually around the moor in Chesham.”

Following this, a GoFundMe page has been launched to fund the sisters a boombox so they can play music to their dancing.

And incredibly, £110 has been raised for a £150 target.

To donate, go to https://www.gofundme.com/f/music-needed.