A weekend away at a four-star hotel in Gerrards Cross ended in distress for a parent whose child and pet were ‘exposed to a gas leak’ in their bedroom.

Samieh Fikouhi was visiting the Crowne Plaza Hotel with her 10-year-old daughter and their dog last weekend when, on Sunday morning, she discovered the cause of a faint hissing noise in their shared room – an apparent ammonia leak linked to a fridge unit.

The 44-year-old, who lives in Southeast London, said staff behind the desk confirmed her suspicions that it had been an ammonia leak and told her she could shower in another room while hers was fumigated.

What followed were frantic trips to the hospital and vet after Samieh’s daughter complained of stomach and chest pain and her dog began repeatedly throwing up.

Bucks Free Press:

She received a 40 per cent discount on one night of her stay at the four-star hotel but had no one call to check up on her at the beginning of this week, something that – after her daughter's health had been "put at risk”, made her “blood boil”.

A spokesperson for the Crowne Plaza denied Samieh’s claim that the fridge, which they acknowledged was “potentially faulty”, posed any health risk and said an expert technician had assured them of its safety following a thorough assessment.

However, the mother-of-one maintains her position that staff members had identified the smell in her room was “ammonia times a thousand” – high levels of which can cause damage to the lungs and airways.

Bucks Free Press:

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She said: “I’ve spoken to the hotel’s general manager, and he told me it was a freak accident that is under investigation.

“Even if that is the case, as paying guests we trusted them to provide a secure and safe place to stay and that trust was breached.

“I just want answers. I feel very passionate about it because my child was in there – I left her there that morning while I went to the gym.

“I stay in hotels a lot, and this has really shaken me up – you assume everything in your room has been tested and I just won’t anymore. To be let down at all is shocking, but especially by a respected hotel like this.”

Bucks Free Press:

Although her daughter has been given the all-clear and her dog appears to be on the mend, Samieh is determined to shine a light on an incident she feels is being purposefully “downplayed” by the hotel chain.

“What was supposed to be a relaxing break turned into a nightmare for us. I have asked for a full investigation and a health and safety review to be launched, and I think all of the hotel’s guests should be concerned.”