A Stoke Mandeville teenager has been selected as a finalist in the upcoming Song Academy The Young Songwriter Competition, standing out from over 1,000 entrants.

Lily-Mae, 15, was selected as one of only 30 finalists for the notable The Young Songwriter Competition.

This significant achievement is all the more notable because of the illustrious panel of adjudicators, including renowned music figures like Eg White, Cathy Dennis, and Miranda Cooper.

Lily-Mae's journey started when she was just six-year's-old.

Her parents encouraged her to engage in various clubs, including trampolining, Judo, football, and drama.

All these activities provided her versatility, but it was drama that ultimately "stuck".

From attending her local Jigsaw drama club, Lily-Mae soon found herself enrolled in a one-off workshop in London.

Impressed by her proficiency, the organiser hinted that she could potentially audition for London productions.

In an unexpected turn of events, Lily-Mae secured auditions for two highly acclaimed productions, Les Miserables and Matilda.

Her recognition soared when she reached the final stage of the Les Miserables audition process.

It was at this juncture that the possibility of her participating in a 9-month run in the West End Turner became a reality.

Sadly, despite reaching the finals for Matilda, she had to forgo it due to scheduling constraints with Les Miserables.

This was a remarkable accomplishment for Lily-Mae, who later auditioned for the lead role in a new production, Little Miss Sunshine.

The stars seemed to align for her once more, as she was selected.

Subsequently, she embarked on a three-month run in London, followed by a UK wide tour for 6 months.

These accomplishments dovetailed with her incredible love for music.

Lily-Mae has always enjoyed piano lessons and attended the Tring Park School of the Performing Arts when she was nine.

During her downtime, she would learn a variety of pop songs and attempt to write her own.

Lily-Mae has often voiced that she does not want to be perceived merely as a theatre performer in future.

Her aspiration is to perform music or engage in straight acting given the opportunity.

So the Song Academy Song Competition provided Lily-Mae with this much-needed platform and validation.

The 15-year-old singer-songwriter said: "Entering the Song Academy Song Contest gave me a chance to see if I have it in me to be worthy of a winner.

"To be chosen as a finalist has been very special to me."

The competition has evoked quite a buzz, with all finalists being asked to make a 1-minute video for social media promotion.

Meanwhile, Lily-Mae keeps delivering stellar performances in her local area of Stoke Mandeville in Buckinghamshire.

The local Stoke Mandeville parish was also supportive, carving out space for Lily-Mae to perform in their event on Sunday, May 26.

Despite an initial malfunction with the amplifier during her first performance, Lily-Mae pressed forth with the ethos that "the show must go on".

Her incredible performance has subsequently led to an invitation to perform at the Aston Clinton festival.

Lily-Mae's journey in the world of music and performance, at her young age, is impressive.

As a finalist in the Song Academy Song Competition, she truly embodies the blend of talent, drive and passion required to excel in the music industry.