Asian hornets are a ‘threat to bee life’ and dogs, Buckinghamshire residents have been told in a new warning.

The warning comes in a new report by the chairman of Wooburn & Bourne End Parish Council’s open spaces, allotments and burials committee Mike Seaton.

It reads: “As reported in the parish’s April newsletter and elsewhere, Britain’s bees and other crucial pollinators are at risk from an influx of Asian hornets.”

In the document, he refers dog owners to online advice about what to do if their pet is stung, saying: “It can have a very nasty effect.”

Cllr Seaton also directed residents to report sightings of the invasive species via the Asian Hornet Watch App or to contact the parish clerk on 01628 522 827 if they do not have the app.

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The councillor’s warning comes after a record number of Asian hornets were found in the UK last year.

Defra’s Chief Plant and Bee Health Officer Professor Nicola Spence issued her own warning last week, telling the public: “Please continue to be vigilant for any Asian hornets.”

The Asian hornet is smaller than the native UK hornet does not pose any greater risk to human health than native wasps and hornets.

The insects can be identified by their very dark body, wide orange stripe on the fourth abdomen section and yellow leg ends.

Originating from China and India, Asian hornets were first seen in the UK in Gloucestershire in 2016 and there have been no confirmed sightings in Buckinghamshire.

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