A Beaconsfield resident has called upon the council and a local restaurant to find a solution in terms of their lighting at a ‘dangerous’ zebra crossing.

Jane Perry, who runs a running group in the town, revealed to the Free Press that she 'fears’ a member of the public could get severely injured or even lose their life along the crossing on Penn Road next to the Beech House eatery.

This comes after she witnessed several people having ‘near misses’ with motorists due to how dim the crossing’s lights are, whilst the restaurants’ ‘dazzle’ nearby drivers.  

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She said: “I run the Beaconsfield Running Sisters and we often cross at this crossing, but I always wait until the cars have stopped before using it.

“Many times, a car will just go through the without stopping whilst we are waiting.

“I am very fearful that someone will be seriously injured or killed and the council need to either make this a pelican crossing or install better lighting.

“I am quite sure that I am not the only one who has witnessed cars not stopping at this crossing.”

This comes after an incident took place on the evening of December 7, when a member of the public was accidentally knocked down by a motorist at the zebra crossing.

A witness at the scene said that both the person who was hit, along with the driver, were ‘very shaken’, and that something needs to be done to prevent other incidents from happening.

The person who was hit was ‘not badly injured’ but suffered ‘damaged his knuckles which were ‘heavily bleeding’.

She continued: “This crossing is so dangerous as, particularly in the evenings, the lights from The Beech House dazzle motorists.

“We are aware of the issues and it’s very dangerous.”

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However, despite the concerns, Buckinghamshire Council has confirmed that a recent inspection was carried out at the zebra crossing and that ‘no defects were recorded.

Steven Broadbent, Cabinet Member for Transport said: “Buckinghamshire Council carries out regular inspections, including at night, to ensure all street lighting, which includes lighting at crossings like this, is working correctly. Where a problem is located, this will be logged and programmed in for attention.

“The beacon lighting at this location was recently inspected and no defects were recorded. Road markings are also clearly visible so should give motorists adequate warning of the crossing.

“Data on accidents is recorded by the police and we monitor this regularly.

“Should repeated issues occur at a particular location, we would look at any appropriate remedial action that could be taken.”

We have approached Thames Valley Police and the Beech House for comment.