The state of Buckinghamshire’s roads has been revealed as new data shows which are good and which need repairs.

Around 68 per cent of the county’s A-roads and motorways and 66 per cent of B and C-roads were ‘good’ as of March, according to new Department for Transport statistics.

Meanwhile, 27 per cent of Buckinghamshire’s A-roads and motorways and 28 per cent of B and C-roads ‘may need repairs soon’.

Five per cent of A-roads and motorways were graded ‘poor’, while six per cent of B and C-roads were ‘poor’.

READ MORE: Drivers urged to ‘avoid puddles’ as pothole breakdowns hit record levels

Buckinghamshire ranked in the lower half of all local authorities for ‘good’ roads, behind neighbouring Milton Keynes, but ahead of Oxfordshire.

The new figures come after Buckinghamshire residents have called for further action on potholes and even criticised pothole repairs.

The council has taken recent action to fix the county’s roads, including releasing £5m from its reserves to tackle the pothole crisis, as announced in March.

Buckinghamshire Council said the figures quoted run until March 2023 only and do not necessarily reflect the "progress made since then".

A spokesperson said: "Our roads were hit hard by the impact of a very cold and wet winter last year which was experienced nationwide.

"We have also been adversely impacted by ongoing works being carried out by HS2 and East West Rail."

The council said it is has a "rolling" four year £100m investment for improving the county's highways and that it added a further £5m of council funds to this figure.

The council said it had completed more than 24,600 road repairs over the last eight months.

It added: "All repairs are categorised according to our Highways Safety Inspection Policy which uses a robust approach to prioritising repairs.

"Any reports of road or pavement defects should be reported to us online".