Buckinghamshire Council’s plans for a new children’s home have been approved despite 13 objections.

Proposals to convert a dwelling house on Pineapple Road, Amersham into a small children’s home for the Council’s Leaving Care Service were given unanimous backing by the East Buckinghamshire Area Planning Committee.

Children aged between 13 and 18 will live in the home on a long-term basis and be supported by a permanent member of staff providing adult supervision 24 hours a day.

However, Simon Baker, the direct neighbour to the left of the property, claimed the proposals will disturb neighbours on what is a “very quiet and peaceful road”.

In a written objection, he said: “To grant this permission and knowingly allow increased adverse noise and disturbance would be disgraceful.”

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He then told the Committee: “This property is currently under investigation for unauthorised breach of Condition 2 of the previous planning application.”

The resident claimed that the proposals breached the TR16 planning policy governing parking provision.

He said that the Council appeared to be “marking its own homework”, adding: “We just seem to be driving a coach and horses through policy here.”

The agent representing the Council in its application told the Committee she was not aware of an investigation into the site.

She also said the plans were “important” because the young people moving into the home will be leaving temporary accommodation.

Cllr Isobel Darby told the Committee: “I know that it is really difficult for the Council, especially in this area of high house prices, to find such dwellings.

“Given that this dwelling has previously been used for care, to me it seems a bit of no-brainer to actually bring it back into use.”