A MAN is concerned that the cause of his wife's death could be due to a vaccine administered at the start of the coronavirus pandemic.

Katherine Ellison died at her home address in Steeple Claydon at the age of 54 on March 12, 2021.

A pre-inquest review held at Beaconsfield Coroner's Court on Thursday (October 12) heard that her medical cause of death following a post-mortem examination was offered as a haemorrhage.

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Her husband, Mark, has expressed concerns that her first vaccination against the covid-19, made by AstraZeneca, could have caused the bleeding. 

She was vaccinated two and a half weeks before her death on April 26, 2021.

Senior coroner Giles Crispin said a full inquest is due to take place into Mrs Ellison's death and will hear evidence about her past medical history, the post-mortem findings and more.

He said: "We are not concerned with blame and liability, we're to establish on the balance of probabilities if there's a link between an unnatural event like a vaccine and the medical cause of death identified."

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A full inquest is due to take place into her death at the same court but a date has not yet been set while evidence is still gathered.