Plans to amend vehicular access junction zone at a huge housing development have been approved.

The application is part of up to 550 homes being built on Abbey Barn South Reserve Site on Abbey Barn Lane, High Wycombe by Berkley Group after permission was granted in 2019.

The proposals were given the green light after it was found that they are “not considered to have a material impact upon the approved scheme”.

The application was approved with the amended conditions: “The central amenity green space be no smaller than the area indicated.

READ MORE: Couple angry at Wycombe Abbey Barn Park construction traffic

“For the sake of clarity the final layout and form of the space may be determined by future reserved matters applications.

“Reason: In order to control the amount of development in the interests of the character and appearance of the area.

“To limit development to the quantum and scale that has been assessed in the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment and to ensure that the central amenity space is of sufficient size to achieve its desired function as an ecological link and not reduced in area by competing development pressures.”

Wycombe District Council controversially released two reserve sites on Abbey Barn Lane – Abbey Barn North and South – for development by in 2014.