A huge housing development wants to change vehicle access to the site after residents complained about noisy construction traffic.

The proposal is one of several submitted to Buckinghamshire Council over the last week.

Plan to change access at Abbey Barn South Reserve Site, Abbey Barn Lane, High Wycombe (23/07482/MINAMD)

Berkeley Group is seeking changes to its 550-home development on Abbey Barn South, which was originally given planning permission in 2019.

Houses are currently being built at the site, which was controversially released for development by Wycombe District Council in 2014.

Berkeley’s new application submitted this week says it wants: “To amend the vehicular access junction zone on the west of the site to extend the parameters for which a vehicular access could be delivered in accordance with the outline consent.”

The application comes after residents near the site told the Bucks Free Press they are woken up by “loud banging” from construction trucks driving past their window from 6:30am.

Houses at Abbey Park are described as being “nestled in a tranquil countryside setting” and cost between £259,950 and £975,000.

Demolition of home to build eight flats at 72 Ledborough Lane Beaconsfield (PL/23/2059/FA)

The applicant is seeking permission to tear down the existing property to make way for an apartment building containing eight flats.

The proposals include “associated parking, a carport for three cars, bin and cycle stores and front gates”.

Planning permission was granted in May for a new 2.5 storey dwelling at the address, which will include a cinema room, swimming pool, sauna and steam rooms, gym, drawing room, wine cellar and new driveway.

Couple want bigger chimney and new dormer at 6 Spinfield Mount, Marlow (23/07479/MINAMD)

Applicants Mr & Mrs Stephen Back have filed an application for a bigger chimney for their log-burning stove.

The couple want to increase the height of the flue at their three-bedroom detached home after the details originally submitted were incorrect.

The application is seeking “approval for non-material amendment to permission householder application for construction of new rear dormer, new front steps, log burner flue, internal alterations, and new materials to elevations”.