A support group for adults with learning disabilities organised a big walk to boost wellbeing.

The High Wycombe Gateway Club for adults with learning disabilities hosted a sponsored walk at The Rye on Saturday September 16 for members, volunteers and family.

The walk was made special not just by the glorious sunshine but by the great turnout of keen walkers celebrating the occasion.

Jackie Boyce from the Gateway Club said: “We donned bright blue T-shirts and off we went.

Bucks Free Press: The walkers enjoyed the sunny weather and socialisingThe walkers enjoyed the sunny weather and socialising (Image: High Wycombe Gateway Club)

“People were inviting walk as far as they felt able with sone of our members completing many laps and other just one lap but everyone was applauded for doing what they weve able to manage.

“The walk was followed by a picnic and medal ceremony, the sun shone and we had a great day.”

The social club was started more than 50 years ago by parents, who wanted to create better services for their adult children with learning disabilities.