A 'POORLY constructed' GRADE II listed building could be converted and three homes could be built next to Burnham Football Club.

This is just one of the many applications submitted to Bucks Council in the past seven days.

To view more details for each application, go to the council’s planning portal with the reference number attached.

23/06251/LBC | Listed building consent for demolition of existing chalet and partial demolition and rebuilding of and internal alterations to elliptical section of 'The Dairy'

Bucks Free Press: The Dairy

The design proposal seeks to convert the existing building in The Dairy, Harleyford Estate, Marlow "carefully and sensitively" into residential use.

In October 2022, a pre-application meeting was held on site with representatives from Wycombe District Council and Historic England. At the meeting, an outline proposal for the proposed alterations to The Dairy were presented. The feedback deemed that the principle of the development was acceptable.

According to the developer, investigations show that the building has been poorly reconstructed and rendered with pebbledash grey-cement based render. The proposal seeks to re-build this element of the building in brickwork to match the brickwork found on the Manor House.

Additional buildings adjacent to the Dairy building are proposed to provide additional space and facilities required to allow the building to be used as a dwelling.

PL/23/2808/OA | Outline application for a development of 3 houses with associated parking, amenity areas and vehicular access 

Bucks Free Press:

Plans have been submitted for a housing development on brownfield land next to Burnham Football Club, currently used as a car park.

Access and parking at the Football Club are not affected by the proposed development submitted by Brenard Propertiers Ltd.

The developer said: "The proposed houses and associated sites reflect the urban grain of the street and its wider area.

"The position of proposed dwellings are to mimic those adjoining, with minimal impact, and follow the established pattern of parking to the front and private gardens to the rear. Materials used will be traditional and reflective of those typical to the area."

Some residents have objected to the plans, including Gemma Ford who said: "There is just not enough space to accommodate all of the vehicles the club attracts without disruption to residents, drivers trying to get around the village, walkers or children.

"If this application goes ahead, even more people will park on the roads and paths of the village."