WEEKLY round up of hearings at Wycombe Magistrates’ Court. 

March 3:

GUSTAVO MADRONA ALVES DA SILVEIRA, 24, of Desborough Road, High Wycombe, along with Daladie DaSilveira and Loreina Santos Caravalho, pleaded guilty to damaging property namely a freezer door, front shop glass and shop goods to the value of £1389.13 on October 16 last year. He was also found guilty of one count of affray. He was given a prison sentence of 26 weeks, suspended for 18 months. He was also fined £463.

DALADIE DASILVEIRA, 43, of Hiljon Crescent, Gerrards Cross, pleaded guilty along with Gustava Madrona Alves Da Silveira, of damaging property namely a freezer door, front shop glass and shop goods to the value of £1389.13 on October 16 last year – as well as one count of affray. He was given a prison sentence of 26 weeks, suspended for 18 months. He was also fined £463.

LOREINA SANTOS CARVALHO, 24, of Goosecroft, Hemel Hempstead, pleaded guilty along with Gustava Madrona Alves Da Silveira and Daladie DaSilvereira, of damaging property namely a freezer door, front shop glass and shop goods to the value of £1389.13 on October 16 last year – as well as one count of affray. She was given a prison sentence of 26 weeks, suspended for 18 months. He was also fined £463.

JACK NELSON, 26, of Waring Crescent, Aylesbury, of possessing a Class A drug and drink driving with namely 69ug/L exceeded the prescribed limit on August 17 last year in Wendover. He was also found to have been drug driving on the same occasion. He was fined £385 and disqualified from driving for 22 months. An order has been made for the drugs to be forfeited and destroyed. He faced no separate penalty for the drug driving.


It is established in the UK that court cases should be heard in public. This principle of open justice is acclaimed on a number of grounds: as a safeguard against judicial error and as a deterrent to perjury, to assist the deterrent function of trials and to permit the revelation of matters of public interest. Costs include victim surcharge and courts charges.