TWO businesses in High Wycombe have been honoured with the first ever King's Award for Enterprise for International Trade.

Renamed, from the Queen’s Award for Enterprise, following the accession of King Charles III the awards are the most prestigious awards for UK business and celebrate outstanding achievement.

They are designed to recognise and encourage businesses which excel in the fields of Innovation, International Trade, Sustainable Development and Promoting Opportunity (through social mobility) and are internationally recognised.

W Durston Ltd received its award in the International Trade Category which recognises substantial growth in overseas earnings and in commercial success (for their business size and sector) through either outstanding achievement over three years or continuous achievement over six years.

The second company, Cableflow International Ltd received their award in the Innovation category.

Achievements are assessed for invention, design or production of goods; performance of services; marketing and distribution; or, after-sale support of goods or services, that have realised outstanding commercial success over two years or continuous commercial success over five years.

Durston Tools wrote on social media: "We are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded the prestigious King’s Award for Enterprise and International Trade 2023.

"This incredible recognition is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our entire team. We are honoured to be among the best in the business and will continue to strive for excellence in all that we do.

"Thank you to everyone who has supported us on this journey!"

His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire, The Countess Howe said:

"I have great admiration for the two businesses in Buckinghamshire which have been selected to receive the King’s Award for Enterprise this year. Her late Majesty left an enduring legacy of support for outstanding entrepreneurs and by attaching His Majesty’s name to the award The King has emphasised his desire to continue recognising outstanding businesses. It is also very fitting that the award this year is announced to mark Her late Majesty’s birthday.  

"My congratulations go to both companies, and I look forward to visiting each of them in due course to make the presentations on behalf of His Majesty The King.”

Lady Howe added, “A King’s Award for Enterprise is a whole company success, and the businesses can feel justifiably proud of their achievement. Based as they are in the entrepreneurial heart of Britain, it is exciting to acknowledge the contribution which they have made to the prosperity of the county. I wholeheartedly encourage businesses in Buckinghamshire to consider applying for the award.”