An adorable dog who was rescued from the horrors of the Chinese dog meat trade has a peculiar obsession with David Bowie.

Eight-year-old Corgi-mix Alice was rescued from the Yulin meat market in China, a festival which began in 2009 where thousands of dogs are reportedly eaten.

The brave pup now lives in London with charity founder Julia de Cadenet, and after her ordeal has had to work very hard with Alice to help her overcome her nervous behaviour.

Alice the dog has discovered how soothing music from David Bowie makes her feel relaxed. 

And now that she is fully settled in and calm, Julia thought that it would be fun for Alice to see her hero in person by taking a trip to the world's first David Bowie memorial statue in Aylesbury. 

"We used David Bowie music to calm Alice when she first arrived, and now when I put on a song by him she wags her tail. I always joke that she is Bowie's biggest fan!", Julia said.

"I'm not sure if Alice really knew what the statue was, but when the sound system around the statue started playing Bowie tunes she was really excited." 

Julia started the charity in 2009 after witnessing the horrors of the dog meat trade. 

Her pooch Alice is set to attend next week's Crufts 2023, at the NEC in Birmingham. 

Julia added: "Alice was very nervous when she first arrived with us, but thanks to lots of hard work, and a bit of David Bowie, she is a completely different dog, she's really sociable. 

"She is really looking forward to meeting visitors at Crufts, and helping to tell people about the work of our charity." 

To find out more about NoToDogMeat go to