INCONSIDERATE driver's dangerous parking is making life "very difficult" for one family in High Wycombe.

The resident, who wishes to remain anonymous, has faced difficulties getting out of her driveway in Chairborough Road due to bad parking on her street.

In 2022, she had an accident as she couldn't see cars coming when she was pulling out of her driveway.

The issue has been reported to Buckinghamshire Council multiple times by the resident.

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She said: "I have reported them on many occasions but they are bent on parking there, they are blocking our view on both sides but it's nothing we can do about it.

"I am complaining because it's making life for us very difficult to see the traffic coming and many times we had near misses.

"I am here watching people with pushchairs having to walk in the streets and I myself use the road as well and cannot walk on the pavement because of these inconsiderate drivers.

"We had an accident last year coming out our driveway we are tired of their behaviour. "

The Toyota car (pictured above) has been parked next to her driveway for over a week and 'hasn't moved', claims the resident.

On another occasion, this van (pictured below) was also parked in the same spot blocking her view from seeing cars driving down her road.

Bucks Free Press:

She said: "That car [Toyota] has been parked here since Friday and has not moved yet. 

"These people are just provoking us by blocking our view."

Buckinghamshire Council has urged drivers to be mindful of where they park.

Cabinet member for Transport at Bucks Council Steven Broadbent said: “We sympathise with the residents facing this issue and would like to urge all drivers to be mindful and to park only where it is legal and safe for all car users and pedestrians.

"We are only able to use our enforcement powers in areas where parking restrictions are in place.

"Residents can let us know about parking problems, including dangerous parking, by contacting us.

"We would like to remind people that if you have an immediate problem with a blocked driveway, you should contact the police as this is considered an obstruction.”

Parking on pavements is a grey area, legally speaking. It’s treated differently, depending on the rules of local councils and the area you’re parking in.

The law says drivers ‘should not’ park on the pavement unless doing so is specifically signposted.

This means that legally, drivers have the right to park on the pavement as long as doing so doesn’t break any other driving laws. 

According to the Highway Code, rule 242 states drivers must not leave vehicles or a trailer in a dangerous position or where it causes any unnecessary obstruction of the road.

Under this rule, police can penalise drivers if they deem the parking to be dangerous or in any way causing an obstruction of the road – even if legally you can park on the pavement.