LANCE Slater passed away last weekend aged 85 and tributes have come from all around Marlow as the town remembers a popular figure among its residents.

Lance was heavily involved within the Marlow community as well as being a much-loved husband, father and grandfather with three daughters, two step-sons and two grandchildren.

He studied at London University where he qualified as a chartered surveyor before completing his national service in the 1950s with the RAF including a tour to Hong Kong.

Lance and his wife later moved to Marlow in 1984 whilst he worked in London and later Reading.

He then set up his own company in 1990, Slater Associates before retiring in 2003. 
During his time in the town, Lance was involved in many rotary projects such as the Santa Fun Run, the OAP boat trip, bridge night, the youth concert and the Ascot brass concert.

He also help set up the Marlow Town Regatta and assisted in running the ‘best potential citizen’ prize at Great Marlow School, with Sir Steve Redgrave being a previous winner.

His family, who referred to him as 'Mr Marlow', spent Christmas and the New Year with him at home before his death.

Pauline, his wife, said the family “can’t quantify” how much they will miss him. 

She added: “We are such a close and happy family, it’s heartbreaking.

“We both counted ourselves lucky to have so many good years.

“We had a wonderful time and a wonderful family so we couldn’t complain but it's still heartbreaking that he is gone.

“We are all so proud of him, he was such a lovely man. Everybody loved him.”

Lance is said to be the "biggest loss to the rotary club for a long time” with a minute silence held for him in their latest meeting.

He was the Rotary club president between 1997 and 1998.

Chris Kelsey, the president of the Rotary Club of Marlow, said: “Lance was a prominent member of the club and had worked on a number of community projects.

“He will be sadly missed as a Rotarian as also as a good friend.”

Lance was also the president of the Marlow Chamber of Trade and Commerce (MCoC) between 1996 and 1998 and was recently named an honorary life member.

Jo Braybrooke, secretary for MCoC, said: “We could always rely on Lance to assist us with anything we needed help with or if we needed any advice or information. 

“Lance was the person we went to on many occasions. He never let us down. 

“Lance was involved in many community and charity organisations within the town and he will be greatly missed by the whole of Marlow.”

Marlow town mayor Cllr Richard Scott said: “The town council was saddened to hear of the death of Lance Slater with whom we worked very closely with when he was involved in the Marlow Town Regatta. 

“A lot of organisations in the town will sadly miss Lance’s work and devotions to the organisations of which he was a member."