ANGRY mum Bernie Oliver has vowed to make a formal complaint to Channel 4 over the way Marlow was depicted in a documentary about traffic.

She was featured heavily on Tuesday night in the programme The Woman who Stops Traffic'. The title of the show referred to presenter Kris Murrin.

Mrs Oliver's children's school, St Peter's Roman Catholic Primary School in Prospect Road, was a central location for filming, and an attempt to encourage children to walk to school was a main topic of the programme.

She believes parents and children at the school were not given sufficient credit for the work already done to fight congestion before programme makers focussed on the town.

Mrs Oliver, of Pine Croft, said: "It's disgraceful. I'm so upset."

According to Mrs Oliver, a Walk to School Day' is a highlight of the school's calendar, and has been for several years.

She said of Kris Murrin: "She's taken credit for what we've done already. We've been doing walk to school days for years, but they have shown it as if it was their idea.

"As far as I'm concerned it's tainted the whole programme. I'm going to write to Channel 4 and complain because I'm so angry."

Her complaints on the documentary have been echoed by the Marlow Society, which feels that the No Car Day' was not a serious attempt to solve traffic problems.

Ron Waters, chairman of the Marlow Society, said: "I think it was a good TV programme but it didn't really solve any of our traffic problems.

"Since the filming I haven't noticed any difference in our traffic.

"The Marlow Society didn't participate a great deal. We rather felt that because it was not a serious attempt to deal with our traffic problems we were just being used to promote some car free day."

Nikki O'Shea, publicity manager for Channel 4, said: "We have not received any complaints from the school. In any 60 minute programme there will be editing. What is really clear is that we did not misrepresent the traffic outside the school on the day that we were filming.

"What we feel is that the programme celebrates the locals who got involved and the efforts of the community in what they achieved."