A CHARITY is asking people to Make Today Count' in a bid to raise money towards life-saving research.

Cancer Research UK is running a one-day-only campaign on February 29 with a series of fundraising events around the country - with the Amersham branch of the charity getting in on the act.

The charity's shop, in Sycamore Road, will be hosting a Teddy Bears' Picnic in the shop window and are inviting other residents to hold their own events to raise money in aid of cancer research.

Hannah Gallant, the store's assistant manager, said: "This is an opportunity to really make the most of the extra day in 2008.

"The fantastic support the charity receives from the local community is fundamental to its pioneering research and success so far in the fight against cancer.

"With more than a quarter of a million people being diagnosed with cancer each year in the UK, it has never been more important for the people of Amersham to join together to help beat it."

Schools and nurseries in the area have been invited to hold their own teddy bears' picnic on Friday lunchtime at the same time as the one in the shop window.

For more information on Make Today Count, go to www.cancerresearchuk.org/maketodaycount or call 01494 724237.