RESIDENTS are being urged to attend an important meeting and have their say about how Bourne End will look in the future.

The Bourne End Healthcheck has been renamed The Future of Your Village' to try and emphasis the importance of people's involvement.

And a public meeting is being held on February 18 to collect ideas from residents and local groups, which will help shape the decisions made about the village in the future.

David Davis, a committee member and Bourne End resident for 25 years, said: "By taking part, residents will have a real say in the future, help secure our local identity and have real personal pride in this beautiful part of the Thames Valley."

Simon Fowke, Wooburn and Bourne End Parish councillor, said: "It is a community issue, not a parish council, individual group or police issue. That is what we want to get across. The ownership is the community's."

The meeting on the 18th starts at 7.30pm in Bourne End Community Centre, in Wakeman Road.

If you cannot attend, another one is being planned for a later date.