WYCOMBE District Council's share of the final council tax for next year will increase by 3.2 per cent - but a leading councillor said it would be less without Government targets.

The increase - agreed by the council's cabinet tonight - will bring in the authority an extra £338,000.

Of the increase 0.7 per cent is for "Government Statutory Services" - and this was hitting rate payers said Bill Jennings, cabinet member for economic development and transportation.

He said targets were "enforced upon us" of which the council "have no idea what the end cost is going to be".

Cllr Jennings said: "Then they wonder why we have to put prices or council tax up to meet these quite inconsiderate targets."

Cutting services or increasing the rates were the only ways to meet these requirements he said.

He cited the example of a new concessionary bus scheme to give the over 60s and disabled free bus passes for use anywhere in England.

A report to cabinet said the scheme, to be introduced from April 1, posed a "problem" that faced by councils nationwide.

The scheme means councils will pay for peoples' travel within their area.