TOUGHER on-street parking restrictions could be in place in Wycombe by the summer after councillors tonight backed major changes to fining arrangements.

Members of Wycombe District Council's cabinet have agreed that the council should take on decriminalised parking enforcement from Thames Valley Police.

It said the police had seen illegal parking as a "very low priority" and giving the council the powers for the whole district would see a tougher regime for motorists.

The issue will now go to the Department for Transport for final approval - if it approves the changes will go ahead this summer.

Yet a report to the cabinet warned that giving the council the powers posed a "potential risk" to its reputation as it would be taking on a "sometimes emotive and controversial issue".

However, once the "special parking area (civil enforcement area)" is in force there will be a greater chance of targeting parking hotspots for instance with residents' parking schemes, the report said.

If the changes go ahead motorists face a £70 and £50 fine depending on the type of offence committed.

This will reduce by 50 per cent for payment within 14 days or increase by 50 per cent on issue of a charge certificate.

Offences which would lead to the £50 fine would include parking with the engine running where prohibited and parking for longer than permitted.

Of the 128 responses to a public consultation on the issue, 87 per cent were in favour of the changes.

Yet Malcolm Blanksby, independent councillor for Greater Marlow, told the meeting that there were worries in the town over the changes.

He said: "The great concern is that greater enforcement in time is going to cause displacement of parking on the streets in the centre of the town."

Councillor Audrey Jones, cabinet member for wellbeing and neighbourhoods, said: "Our experts' opinion is that there will be car parking spaces in our car parks to take up any displacement.

"The question is whether they actually do that or go and park in somebody else's space which would be most unfortunate."