This is what your star sign has in store for your love life, relationships and career the week starting Saturday, February 6.


Take a practical and cautious approach to any changes you’re thinking about making especially in the financial or career areas. Think about what has motivated this desire for change. Is it a temporary restlessness or a real need to bring improvements into your life? A colleague or neighbour really won’t mean to upset or antagonise you but their attitude will start to get you down.Their lack of consideration for your feelings could cause a major bone of contention.


You’re reluctant to admit you are disappointed with someone but you are. They have let you down and you don’t deserve to be treated in this way. It’s important to put the past behind you and to look upon the here and now with fresh and more optimistic eyes. There is a lot happening around you that could be good for you. Be assertive and don't drag your heels. You don’t want to let some good opportunities pass you by.


You might casually mention something you have to do to a friend or neighbour. When they volunteer to do this for you, don’t say no. Thanks to their helpfulness you will find yourself with some much-needed time to call your own. If you’re single, lonely and looking for love, post an intriguing profile on online dating site. Your mood is imaginative and creative and you will get an enthusiastic response.


A senior colleague is not taking you very seriously. You feel they are deliberately pulling your efforts down. They aren’t paying any attention to your ideas and suggestions and you may feel even less like submitting to theirs. Put difficult chores off if possible. You may not be keen on plans being discussed in the family. If you have your own ideas or you want something different, make your wishes known so at least they can be considered.


A community event will feel different to usual. You had been expecting this but you had hoped it would have been more enjoyable. A friend or workmate will seem to take offence at everything you say. This is a rare occurrence and may make you quietly look into what is going on. Your research will alert you to illnesses people suffer from that can’t necessarily be seen. Setting up an online course or workshop will help raise awareness.


You’ve been through a tough time and it’s understandable that you are keen to unwind. A difficult situation in the workplace could probably have been handled a lot better but it is done now. You support measures that keep people safe but you don’t feel you are being supported. If possible, make it your aim to get out and about. Occupy your mind with as many outside interests and stimulations as possible. An online course or workshop prompts you to look further into a fascinating subject that suddenly fascinates you.


Avoid jumping to conclusions. An older colleague or relative may make a comment you don’t agree with. They aren’t getting at you no matter what you might think. They will welcome your views and they are willing to change their mind if you can suggest better alternatives. Try to take a less emotional view of events later in the week. It would be easy to imagine slights that aren’t there and even to build difficulties up out of proportion. Be honest about your feelings.


You want to be there for someone who is feeling down but you aren’t sure what you can do to help. Sometimes you don’t need to say anything. You just need to let them know you are there for them to make a difference. You’re concerned with a matter that crops up which you hadn’t expected to have to deal with. This will be a rare occurrence but it is one that cannot be ignored. An older colleague or relative may have some useful suggestions.


A colleague who breaks the rules is heavily reprimanded and expects support when they air their grievances. You cannot in anyway try to influence others to support them when you feel they have behaved badly. It would appear to you they have only got what they deserved. Communications with friends are fun. You might get the impression someone is embroidering the truth a little but they are making you laugh and you won’t be the one to take away their artistic license.


Lately, worries about money, work and health have been getting you down. Headaches and stress related illnesses are making it hard for you to fulfil obligations as you would like to. News you hear will shed light on a long-term problem and will give you hope for the future. Past worries will be put behind you and you can look steadfastly ahead. A neighbour expects you to have time to listen to their grievances. You have too many concerns of your own to be interested.


Great efforts have been made to improve your working environment. It will be a relief to be separated from a moody colleague who has been causing problems. New routines will work well for you and you will take to new tasks like a duck takes to water. Your involvement in a community exercise is gratefully received. You have a support network of people who advise and help each other and who are enthusiastic to raise funds for a worthy cause.


A group project is floundering through a lack of communication. Take the bull by the horns and appoint yourself as the person to get everyone together. Whether you are able to meet in person or it is a virtual meeting, it’s important that everyone agrees the next steps to take to get this project moving. You can’t avoid the need to take a look at a financial matter even if you aren’t in the mood. If recently, you've made a big decision, you are about to discover you have done the right thing.