A cruel burglar who stole young children’s birthday presents after smashing his way into their family home while they went on a dog walk has been jailed.

Police caught Nathan Cruikshank, 24, carrying a cache of drugs just a day after he joined a gang in raiding the Flackwell Heath property.

The Slough resident is now behind bars, serving a two-year jail term for the burglary and drug crimes.

On November 11 last year, Cruikshank “ransacked” the home in Blind Lane, stealing birthday presents, electronic equipment, cash and computers.

Investigating officer, Det Con Alex Kratky, said: “Cruikshank acted as part of a team who forced their way into a house, smashing through the patio doors whilst the owners were out walking their dog.

“They ransacked the house stealing valuable electronic equipment, as well as cash and computers which had been recently received birthday gifts belonging to the young children.

“Thanks to some vigilant residents and local businesses a vehicle was quickly identified and police located and arrested Cruikshank within a few hours of the offence taking place.

“He was found in possession of a quantity of the stolen property from the burglary and a large amount of cash, cocaine, MDMA and Cannabis were also subsequently recovered.”

Cruikshank pleaded guilty at Aylesbury Crown Court on Friday, June 10, to one count of

burglary dwelling, one count of possession with intent to supply a controlled drug of Class B – cannabis, and two counts of possessing a controlled drug of Class A – cocaine and MDMA.

He was sentenced at the same hearing to 18 months’ imprisonment for burglary, six months’ imprisonment for the possession with intent to supply class B drugs, to run consecutively, plus six weeks in prison to run concurrently for each of the Class A possession crimes.

The judge also handed him a two-year disqualification from driving and was ordered to pay a £100 victim surcharge.

Det Con Kratky said: “I am pleased that Cruikshank has admitted responsibility for his actions.

"Burglary can have a devastating impact on victims and I hope that the knowledge Cruikshank is facing some time behind bars will give them some sense of justice.”