MARLOW Bottom Valley Residents’ Association (MBVRA), at a recent committee meeting has decided the time is right to proceed with a formal planning application for the Steve Redgrave sculpture, now that all concerned parties have verbally agreed to the site on the triangle adjacent to the brewery.

The meeting also noted that an amendment has been made to the planning application to obliterate much of the lower end of Ragman’s Lane hedgerow to accommodate access to planned new houses. The original plan was seen by many to be unacceptable for both road safety reasons and its adverse impact on the appearance of the area.

It was also confirmed that the former Visage shop is being turned into a Noodle Bar, with six tables. The community still fears that, believing the financial viability of a cafe to be debatable, an ultimate aim may be to acquire a take-away licence. Such a change of use was vigorously and successfully opposed in the valley last year, from a pizza company.

SPRING AGM season is here. Next week is a busy week indeed.

On Monday, April 22, MBVRA is holding its meeting in The Barn Club at 8pm. This will be the 50th AGM of the association. While there are no new or contentious issues to discuss, the latest status of the Steve Redgrave sculpture will no doubt be addressed, and there will be opportunity, after the formal agenda, for anybody attending to raise any matters of community concern.

ANNUAL parish meetings are not strictly part of the formal procedures of a parish council, but are much more general in their scope. Ours will be held on Thursday, April 25, at 7.30 pm. in Marlow Bottom village hall. This meeting is open to all residents of the parish and is not a council meeting. It gives residents the opportunity to hear reports from local organisations as well as the parish council and for them to raise any issues they may have relating to parish matters.

If you would like more information please do not hesitate to contact the Clerk (Mrs Lorna Parkins) on 01628 473826 or email: Usually, most of the organisations of interest to the valley population will report on their activities and be prepared to answer questions from the floor.

VALLEY Plus will hold its AGM on April 30 at 2pm. Visitors to the meeting may attend, on paying a contribution of £1.

Apart from the formal business, there will be an opportunity to hear reflections on events of the last year or so from Sir Steve Redgrave. Chances are there will be a large attendance, so get there early.

The formal meeting will be followed by a private party for members only.

JANE Kaushal, our valley osteopath, successfully completed the Paris Marathon last Sunday. In fact, Jane was seeming quite elated in an email, because she had beaten the five hour barrier.

As reported a couple of weeks ago, Jane was running to raise funds for Kids Company, an organisation that aims to repair the life experience and confidence of children of deprived backgrounds. She took part to commemorate her niece who died of a brain tumour a year ago, almost to the day of the event.

It’s not too late to contribute at

BARN Club experience is changing, with the recent appointment of the new steward and stewardess, Phil and Shelley.

While I should perhaps shrink from too one-sided advertising of the new cuisine, I understand that (and why) Sunday lunch covers have risen from fewer than ten to the mid 60s. Supporting this rather special local private club (membership largely restricted to residents) is not just worthy from a community point of view, but probably rewarding from a personal stand-point.

HANDY Cross refurbishment plans are still awaited, but it seems that serious rectification of some of its deficiencies will take place if residents report, to the Highways Agency, every traffic light failure, inadequate markings or potentially dangerous driving incident that may have occurred because of misinterpreting the poor lane layout.

The parish council is monitoring the progress and urges you to contact the HA by email via or by calling 0300-123-5000. To follow the activities of MB Parish Council, visit or the council's own website The council’s website will tell you everything from planning to bus time-tables; it’s a very useful and informative site.

FINALLY, good luck to Gary Sheppard and Tanya Warnford-Davis when they run in the London Marathon. In case there are other valley runners whose participation has escaped my notice, good luck to them too.

BUTCHER Bernie Longhurst is less than happy that the first indication of a test taking place on his products was when he received the laboratory report from a Hampshire testing lab. Such secretive sampling seems to him a bit beyond the public need for unbiased monitoring.

Happily his meat passed the test.