Once again my trusty alarm clock burst into action signalling the start of another day.

Jumping out of bed yours truly got dressed then went downstairs to enjoy a hearty breakfast and read the newspaper which had been delivered.

All too soon it was time to go out the door to travel to work.

Arriving in the town centre early there was just time for a quick walk down the High Street to make sure all was well and that all our historic buildings had made it through the night safely.

The frames of the market stalls had been set up. The first traders were just arriving and setting out their goods ready for the day ahead.

A group of people could be seen coming down Crendon Street signalling the arrival of another train containing workers from such far away places as Aylesbury or even London.

Despite the empty shops and empty office units it’s amazing how many people do work in Wycombe indeed there must be literally tens of thousands who travel in every day.

With a few minutes left there was just time to get to work ready for another gruelling day which, if I was lucky, would allow me to survive as a self sufficient person for a little bit longer.

While my own life is centred around hard work I was shocked to read an article in a national news paper a few days ago which claimed that four million adults have never worked in their lives.

Amazingly 205,000 over 65’s had never worked meaning they became pensioners without doing a proper day’s work in their life.

One third of those aged between eighteen and twenty four have never done a day’s paid work either.

Theses figures were provided by the Office for National Statistics so they are fairly accurate and not the result of an unofficial survey.

It makes me so angry to think I am working my fingers to the bone to support myself financially and pay my taxes yet there are all these slackers scraping the barrel of the welfare state and doing nothing productive for society.

Isn’t it about time people were made to work for their social security money?

Only the other day I was passing the dole office and some of the unfortunates happened to be coming out.

Dressed in what I would call rough, casual clothes their appearance would turn any employer off taking them on. Is it any wonder these people are unemployed?

It’s all very well making people fill out records of what jobs they have applied for but I think it’s about time the unemployed were forced to dress smartly, even when attending to their weekly signing session.

Maintain a professional and smart approach helps to increase employability and thus get the scroungers a job.

With so many community jobs that need doing such as picking up litter, cleaning graffiti and painting lamp posts surely the employed could be made to work for their handouts rather than seeing it as a gift from the tax payer.

A little work never harmed anyone so rather than having people end up retiring on the dole without working a day in their lives I think they should be made to put something back into society or lose their money altogether.

What do you think?

*Don't forget to read my regular column in this Friday's edition of the printed version of the Bucks Free Press!