IT MAY be a journey into the unknown but a Marlow charity worker is hoping to bring some certainty back into the lives of Haiti’s children.

The co-founder of Bright Tomorrows, Sarah White, is heading to the earthquake-torn country for the first time since last January’s disaster.

And Mrs White, 41, is determined to help some of the estimated 4000 children who are yet to be reunited with their parents.

“This is my first time, it is one thing hearing about it but another seeing it for yourself,” said Mrs White, who will also be flying out to Port au Prince with trustee Flor White.

“When you see it first hand it’s such a motivation to keep going.”

The pair will bring out a mixture of clothes, toiletries and toys but Mrs White is also hoping to secure the longer-term prospects of the children.

Some £20,000 was raised last year which went towards immediate aid but the aim now is to increase the charity’s children sponsorship programme.

So far ten children are being supported in the scheme which hopes to lead the children back to “some sort of normal life”.

Mrs White explained: “Ten children might seem like a drop in the ocean, but it’s a much needed drop and one that is really making a difference.”

The 2002-founded charity has also set its sights on creating a permanent care home.

An estimated £22,000 would be required to build a basic structure but Mrs White is optimistic this target could be reached.

She added: “It would be wonderful to know that these children could find a safe home after all they’ve been through – it would be a fantastic step forward for their futures.”

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